Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 15 "Solitude" Review

Kara travels to the Fortress of Solitude hoping to find information on how to defeat Indigo, a being from her past who can travel through the Internet. In the meantime, James and Lucy reach a crossroads in their relationship.

This was a very interesting episode with a really nice villain that I wish that we could have gotten to know a bit more of in this episode. Because with Indigo they just kind of threw her in there with a little back story but it was really confusing and kind of put out there like it is supposed to be common sense for everyone. They did say that that Indigo had some kind of background with Non, but what was it? And like how long was Indigo around before she finally decided to make herself known because I think they did say that she only could really make herself known because of the solar flares going on, but besides that has she been just hanging around on the internet since prison crashed. The moment of showing the Fortress of Solitude was really great with showing all these mementos from different things that are important to Superman. I don't really remember Superman ever taking James to the fortress but that is not that big of an issue in my mind because it could have easily been Kara who knew its location even though she had never been there herself. And I don't know how I feel about the idea of telling Lucy about Kara's secret but maybe it might be good for the group once they finally get around to doing so. The relationship between Winn and Siobhan but at least we don't have to worry about him constantly pinning over Kara that much anymore, or at least until Siobhan eventually probably breaks his heart. Overall this was a really great episode with some especially great moment to it.

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