Sunday, September 11, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 14 "Truth, Justice and the American Way" Review

Kara battles the Master Jailer while dealing with a second assistant at CatCo and disagreeing with James over the DEO’s methods.

This was a very interesting episode that I really don’t know how I feel about it. A part that kind of confused me was the DEO’s confusion of who this person going around killing the escaped prisoners was. But it wasn’t that I didn’t like that they couldn’t figure out his actual identity it was more that they couldn’t decide if is was another escaped prisoner, a jailer, or just some random person until the very end when they discover his identity. But in all that time they have all this information on the jailers of the prison that I feel they could have matched his uniform to the jailers uniform. Then I really wished to know what this jailer’s whole plan was because he just seemed to be killing the prisoners now matter their crimes and when asked he said that he was recreating the prison, so how do those two things work out. And the jailer also said that he was happy that he and Supergirl were doing similar work but then he was also more than willing to kill her, all that I was just really confused on. Then James showing up at the DEO unasked just like I was expecting was nice with him finally setting in stone that maybe keeping Maxwell isn’t the smartest of ideas. I did like the parts at Catco with the new assistant seeming to be everywhere and no one really seeming to like her. And I kind of can’t wait to see what the plan with this new assistant might be. Overall I really enjoyed this and it had a lot of great parts to it.     

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