Friday, September 16, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 18 "Worlds Finest" Review

Kara gains a new ally when the Flash arrives from a parallel universe and helps her fight the Silver Banshee and Livewire in exchange for helping him return home.

This was a really fun and great episode that managed to still focus on Kara with just enough of a sprinkling of Barry. I did like just how quickly Barry sort of got integrated into the friendship group and was just so willing to help the rest of the group and the city. The beginning with Siobhan was a little weird because Winn knew that she wasn't stable with her new abilities and the DEO couldn't really do anything about it but they all just kind of let her go into the world alone. And of course, she goes and attacks Kara almost instantly. I don't know much about the background of Silver Banshee so I don't know how accurate her story plot is but either way it is a very weird story plot in my mind. Having a jealous James was a little weird in my mind but also a bit funny in my mind because it is Barry. Having a team up between Livewire and Silver Banshee was kind of cool but they didn't really work together that much they just kind of were in the same place at the same time. But Cat's fear of dying and leaving her sons all alone was a very interesting turn in her personality. Then the whole city changing their minds and trusting Supergirl again was really fun especially when the fire department showed up. Overall this was a very fun episode and with how it ended I can't wait to see more.

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