Thursday, September 15, 2016

American Horror Story Season 6 Episode 1 "Chapter 1" Review

My Roanoke Nightmare follows a couple narrating told in a flashback sense. As the couple recount their move from an incident in Los Angeles , which is reenacted by actors as the story unfolds. Traveling back east and Their purchase of a property in North Carolina seems to have awakened a malevolent spirit residing in the house which was built in 1704. Unusual things occur which finds the need to wire the house with cameras. Now the real bizarre actions start to freak them out even more.

This was a really great episode from what has been shown so far the full sort of story plot is not really reviled I don't think, this was defiantly much more of a setup episode for what might come in future episodes. I did really like the whole style of this being sharing "real" stories of past hunting under like a whole separate show called My Roanoke Nightmare. It really reminded me of when I used to watch a show called A Haunting this episode was stylized much like that show is. The whole beginning chunk of this episode where they were in Los Angeles I felt was really unnecessary but maybe it will be useful in future episodes. The comment made by I think Ryan Murphy where this has some ties to season one are defiantly true because we have Pigman and some other small things that I spotted things that could maybe be ties in the future. The character of Lee I really don't care for that much so far, but with that being said I really didn't care much for any of the three main characters of Lee, Shelby, and Matt I find all them a little annoying. I did really love the one line that Matt says which is "when people come up to your house with pitchforks they aren't there to welcome you to the neighborhood." Then on to the other thing that I think Ryan Murphy said which was that only one of the little teasers is true if that is correct then I would say that the Wind Chime one is the one that is most accurate. But with that being said I think all the teasers might be true to some degree here or there because I could see several things from this first episode that were in a few of the teasers. Overall I really did like this episode and I can't wait to see where it will go. 

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