Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 2 "Meet the New Boss" Review

Daisy goes to battle Ghost Rider at a terrible cost, and Coulson faces the new Director, and his bold agenda surprises them all.

This was a really fun and great episode that I really liked watching, but like many of the other shows, I have watched this week there really didn’t seem to be much to this episode. I kind of liked kind of didn’t like the scene where Daisy shows up at Robbie’s work. It was kind of fun to see Daisy trying to spin this whole backstory between them and Robbie just not wanting to play along, and the fight scene between them was okay. But that whole chunk seemed to drag on for so long and it got a little boring. Then the “ghost” and their whole reason for being there and everything about them was not really explained at all besides the fact that there angry at Lucy and book, so that was a little annoying. Then I liked seeing the little team up between Mack and Fitz especially the scene in the plane with Daisy and Fitz just lets all his feeling out there. I kind of like the new director but with how he carries himself I feel like he might not last that long, but I really kind of want him to stick around because I like him because he’s so different than the rest of the group. Then everything with May was interesting to see her slowly lose her mind, and I can’t wait to see what might happen to her in the episodes to come. Then the ending where Daisy and Robbie’s team up was a little confusing because it again it involves the mysterious ghost people so hopefully the next episode might clear up some of the confusion. Overall this was a fun and interesting episode but it did have a lot of confusing parts to it.     

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