Monday, September 19, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 23 "An Untold Story" Review

Regina and Emma set out to find Henry before Gold does. Meanwhile, Snow, David, Hook, and Zelena are imprisoned.

This was an okay episode but not as great as I was expecting it to be for being a season finale. It did have some very good moments with this but there weren't as many of those moments as this whole episode should have had I feel. I didn't really like all the moments with snow and charming in those characters in the Land of Untold Stories and them working with Jekyll to try and get rid of Hyde. Then it was really cool actually have that moment where Jekyll and Hyde were separated and just seeing a bit of how that would all play out because if I remember right it does happen in the play but not as dramatically as it does in this episode. But with all this Jekyll and Hyde and very curious as to where Emma and Lucy are as I don't think there in the books but they are in the play and fairly important characters so I'm wondering if they might make an appearance at all in Once Upon A Time in the next season or if they're just stick with the book characters. All the parts where the characters were in New York I really didn't care for the whole plot it didn't make much sense and Henry just seems so determined to try and get rid of magic and then when he did want it back almost instantly, and I understood why they decided to put that way but still it wasn't that great of an idea. However, I did really enjoy the scene with them the wishing fountain and how Henry for the briefest of moments got everyone in New York to believe in magic. Then the somewhat ending where the evil queen decides to separate herself from Regina, or I guess all the way around, was interesting but I didn't really care for and now with what is coming in the future because of that choice I care for the decision even less. Overall this was an okay episode there are some moments I really liked but it just wasn't my favorite of episodes.

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