Thursday, September 1, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 21 "Absolution" Review

It's a showdown a season in the making as S.H.I.E.L.D. takes on Hive, and when his master plan is finally revealed, the team must spring into action.

This was a really interesting episode that did a really good job of keeping a good flow and seemed to go by really quick. It was interesting that for this whole episode they kept Daisy in basically quarantine while she got over her withdrawal from Hive. Which that was nice to see both sides of people like Simmons who was following the quarantine rules and then people like Mack to broke the rules just to fully make sure she was okay. The part in the beginning of the episode between Simmons and Daisy was also kind of sad when Daisy made the comment that they are only sending Simmons in to check on her because Simmons is the only Daisy didn't hurt in some way while she was under control by Hive. Then the whole scene where some of the team was at the mission launch base had some really great and funny moments. Like the moment when Fitz is trying to get the codes to stop the launch followed by Radcliffe talking to the new forms of the Watchdog agents to try and figure out a way to restart the launch. Then the moment between Yo-yo and Mack was great with Yo-yo complaining about how slow Mack is working and then at the last minute she quickly finished everything and handed it off to Lincoln to give the machine an electric charge instead of finishing the work to plug it into the wall like I think the original plan might have been if they were given more time. Then I wonder how they thought taking Hive back to the base was ever going to be a good idea. And in this episode, it defiantly had the moment of to much good stuff happened in the beginning that there had to be some bad at the end to even it out, which there was plenty. And the twist ending with Daisy makes me very curious where the final episode might take them. Overall I really loved this episode and it had a lot of great parts to it.  

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