Sunday, September 4, 2016

Gotham Season 2 Episode 21 "A Legion of Horribles" Review

Hugo Strange welcomes a familiar face to Gotham after he resurrects Fish Mooney in Indian Hill. Meanwhile, Bruce discovers a friend is in danger and teams up with Gordon, Alfred, and Lucius while uncovering more of his experiments.

This was a very interesting episode that I really don't know how I feel about it. This whole episode was really about Bruce and Gordon breaking into Arkham to find Selina and to hopefully stop Stange once and for all. but this, of course, didn't go as planned and they ended up getting captured. Which was interesting in how it made it seem like Strange knew from the very beginning that they were all there and why they were there and he just let them believe that they had the upper hand over him for the first time but that was not true. And the fact that Strange finally let Strange join the team and be the one to interrogate Lucius and Bruce make me very curious to see what he might do to them in the next episode. The person who was resurrected at the beginning of this episode was weird at first but once the episode showed him again near the end it made a bit more sense and I can't wait to see what this new imposter Gordon might do. Fish Mooney was great in this episode for the little bit that she was in it and I really enjoy her possible new ability. Selina and Fireflies scenes were really great as well and I kind of can't wait to see them again in the next episode now that they are working together. Overall this was an okay episode and I can't wait to see the next one.  

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