Thursday, September 1, 2016

Once Upon a Time Season 5 Episode 22 "Only You" Review

Regina grieves over Robin Hood's death and Henry sets out to destroy all magic.

This was a very interesting episode that I don't know how I feel about it. I'm not saying it was bad, but it defiantly was a Once Upon a Time finally where it is broken up into two parts so really this whole episode is just setup for what all will happen in a much better second part in the next episode hopefully. I agree with Regina on how Emma was treating her in this episode that it is not fair that when Emma is sad and grieving she and continue on and everyone is on her side, but when Regina is sad everyone thinks she should sit on the sidelines and they are afraid of her and afraid that she might become the evil queen again. Both Rumpelstiltskin and Henry's plans seemed really kind of weird and not thought out in my mind. Just Rumpelstiltskin on a quest to become more powerful and save Belle I just really don't know what I think of that plan. Then with Henry, it was nice to see him taking matters into his own hand and it was cool to see magic in the real world and all of that. But it just seemed so much like Henry was pulling on random strings here and there and the writers were just trying to bring things back into play and make everything have a reason. I also really like all the parts with Snow, Charming, Zelena, and Hook, especially the introduction of a new world and some new characters. And I recognized part of one of the new charterers right away but figuring out which part he is and who the other part is was a surprise and I hope to see even more of both parts in the future. Even though I don't know how I feel about what seems to be a change in the cause of their problems being possibly because of magic instead of science. But that thought of mine could be wrong and the magic part of his life could just be because of the world the writers put this character in. Overall I really like this episode and I can't wait to sit down and see what the second part will bring.       

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