Monday, September 12, 2016

Gotham Season 2 Episode 22 "Transference" Review

While Gordon, Bruce, and Lucius remain at Indian Hill, the city of Gotham will be met with a new threat as Hugo Strange's inmates devise a plan to escape and start their new lives in Gotham.

This was really great episode especially a really great episode to end the season on. I did like the whole sort of plot in this episode was to get the last of the experiment out of Arkham and then to blow it up. I was especially happy when it got to the point that I kind of been waiting half a season for which if the fight between Firefly and Mr.Freeze. I felt the scene could have been done a bit better but ti still was a really great moment in of itself. But I'm curious to know if they survived what they did to each other because the scene showed them starting to fight but then really didn't show them again at all. Then the fake Gordon going back to the GCPD was very fun to see, but ti was also kind of odd with the fact that everyone seemed to realize that something was off with Gordon but they didn't seem to question any of it. And the fact that it took Barbra showing up for them to realize that it wasn't Gordon. Then with that, the moment with Penguin felt a little odd and out of place and like they just wanted to put Penguin in this final episode but it didn't serve much of a purpose besides getting Barbra to the GCPD with a reason to be there. Then the ending was really great to see all this massive fear now that Fish Moony is back and the realized of all these monsters. I'm still not a big fan of the future Poison Ivy storyline because of the fact of how they are going about suddenly making her much older. But I am curious to see how that sudden gain in age might affect her relationship with Selina. Then there decision to add in Jerome's laugh as the monsters were leaving the bus makes me hopeful that he might be back soon, even with Cameron saying see you in a season or two. I feel they are going to keep Jerome on the backburner until the viewers might drop a bit and then bring him in to make people excited for the show again. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait for the next season starting next week.  

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