Saturday, September 17, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 19 "Myriad" Review

Non and Indigo use mind control to make the citizens of National City their army, so Kara must find a way to save her friends.

This was a really good and fairly interesting episode. I kind of liked the random tag team group that was put together that being Supergirl, Cat, and Maxwell and having them be the only ones who weren't under the mind control. It was a little weird in my mind that Maxwell gave Cat these earrings that stopped the signal from controlling her mind, which was nice but why Cat out of all the people Maxwell could have chosen. I kind of like how willing Maxwell is to also keep Kara's secret, he will joke about it a bit to people who don't know but it is so casual that way he does it can also be unnoticeable. It was also kind of fun that they brought Superman into the mix of all this to help stop everything only for him to end up under all the mind control himself. Maxwell's whole plan was a little far fetch in my mind with him wanting to set off a bomb full of kryptonite that will kill and the Kryptonians including Supergirl and Superman as well as some few hundred innocent people. Even for Maxell that just doesn't seem like all that great of an idea. But that being said Supergirls plan seemed even crazier where she is just using hope to fix everything if a person is hopeful for some reason the mind control doesn't work on them. Alex and Hanks scenes where very fun but Alex wanting to go back with Hank to National City seemed like such a bad idea in my mind and with how everything turned out it was a pretty bad idea. Overall this was a fairly good episode but it definitely was a setup episode for the next episode.    

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