Sunday, September 4, 2016

Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Episode 22 "Ascension" Review

In the conclusion to "Absolution," S.H.I.E.L.D. must spring into action to combat Hive.

This was a really great episode to wrap up all that has gone on in this season and the episode was actually pretty well organized for all the stuff they needed to wrap up in this episode. I really kind of liked that the whole episode had Daisy as the sort of lead. The beginning of the episode where Daisy is trying to be taken back by Hive was interesting with the fact that he wanted to but couldn't, because how I originally thought it would go was that he would just straight up go and say no to her pleas because she left him. The doctor Radcliffe was great in this episode for the fact that he really is just there to get blamed for everything and look lost. I don't know how I feel about Yo-yo pulling a Quicksilver and getting hit by a bunch of bullets to save a friend, but at least in this instant, Yo-yo did say that she tried to catch them but wasn't fast enough. Instead of being like Quicksilver and being fast enough to catch the bullets but for some reason didn't. The moment where Coulson was talking to Hive was really great too with the true comment that the team rarely ever listens to is order if they go against what they think is right, and the ending Star Wars reference was the greatest. Bringing back in Daisy's vision of the future where she saw an agent dying out in space was really well done in how it was organized and drops little symbolic hints of who it might be. Then, in the end, having Hive on the ship with that dying agent was a nice way to wrap everything up with his part in the story, but it also felt odd that that was the only way they could come up with to actually kill Hive. Overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the next season will bring in with the introduction of Ghost Rider. 

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