Thursday, September 15, 2016

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 17 "Manhunter" Review

J'onn J'onzz reveals how he met Jeremiah Danvers and assumed the identity of Hank Henshaw.

This was a really great episode but it did have some part to it that I'm a little confused on. The whole investigative side of this episode where it is actually just telling a whole lot of backstory to say how everything came to be was done really well. The part showing J'onn and Jeremiah's first encounters with each other was really great with how it was done and the ending of how Jeremiah died I defiantly was not expecting. But I do feel with the whole investigation that the army picked the wrong people to do all the investigation because I can kind of understand why Lucy was there to help tell if someone is lying or not. But the other guy with how Add to dictionary he was and this apparent massive relationship he had with the original Hank I feel all that should have been disqualifying for him to be conducting the investigation. Then the final questioning of Alex was interesting because how they chose to frame the question on the lie detector technically Alex wasn't lying they were just asking the wrong questions. I did also like that basically every member of the DEO seemed okay with J'onn being Hank. Winn and Siobhan scenes where she is really sad and then try's to come up with a way to get back at Kara was very interesting and I liked the line from Cat saying that she wished that she could fire Siobhan all over again with even more anger. Then the ending where Hank and Alex take off and Lucy is now the acting head of DEO makes me very curious to see what might happen next. Over all this was a really interesting episode and I can't wait to see the next one with The Flash.   

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