Thursday, September 22, 2016

American Horror Story Season 6 Episode 2 "Chapter 2 " Review

More weird and strange things happen at the Miller’s new house, every night the events get darker and more creepy. Lee’s daughter comes to stay for a few nights and makes a new imaginary friend who gives the household members a creepy message. Some secrets of the household previous members are reviled.

This was a really entertaining and creepy episode that put a lot of my old horror notions in my brain to the test. There were a lot of moments in this episode that because of how things were framed I really thought that something was going to jump out and grab one of the three main characters but it didn’t happen which put me more of edge whenever it would come up again. Even when they were watching the one video of the guy who owned the house in the 90’s the way the guy was set up I really had the feeling something was going to pop up behind him at any moment. All the things revolving around Pigman in this episode were so great and so creepy. Then the scene where Lee actually starts seeing things was so creepy. I kind of am starting to feel bad for the police officers with all the stuff they have to go through with this family but also I think the police might know more then they are willing to share especially after what the one video showed. It was a little weird that they showed this weird Pigman sacrifice at the beginning of this episode but then never really fully went back to it. Flora was awesome in this episode with how everything around her was done. I don’t quite get how Flora’s father thinks he can convince the judge to take Flora away from Lee just because she lives in a haunted house that says it wants to kill all of them. I really like getting to know some of the ghosts cause now we know Prescilla and I kind of hope to get to know a little more about her. Overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can’t wait for the next one.

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