Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 18 "Don't Burst My Bubble" Review

Team Scorpion must move Happy's friend Ada, and the sterile bubble Ada lives in that protects her compromised immune system, to a secure location after a severe storm leaves the structure surrounded by dangerous debris.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had some really entertaining moments to it. I really liked that this episode focused more on Happy and her gaining a friend and everything around that. The whole concept around the idea of Happy not having any friends outside of Scorpion was really cool with her not returning a guest list to Toby for their wedding and I really liked the one line Happy said near the end of this episode which was I finally made a new friend and I can't even invite her to my wedding. Then I really love that they kept going back to Sylvester and his fear of germs to help them keep Ada sterile as the transported her. Then all they ways that they actually got Ada into a new sterile bubble was kind of cool with the materials they used and how they got everything perfect for her. I loved the ending where Ada and Happy are talking about the events of the day and Happy is feeling bad for her and Ada brings up all the things she did that day that she thought she would never do again like hug her dad, or feel the sun on her face. Then the moments with Sylvester and the votes being cast in was very interesting and I liked how in the end everything managed to end in Sylvester's favor. Then I really loved the ending of this episode and how it ended kind of happy for everyone. And just overall t

Monday, February 27, 2017

Supergirl Season 1 Episode 14 "Homecoming" Review

When Jeremiah Danvers is rescued from Cadmus, Alex and Kara are thrilled to have him back, but Mon-El is suspicious about his sudden return.

This was a really great and interesting episode that was not really all that surprising to me but still really entertaining to watch. I liked the idea of bringing Jeremiah back and dealing with everyone believe that there was no way he could be evil, but the fact that only Mon-El questioned Jeremiah's authenticity from the very beginning bugged me. I feel like some of the others should have reacted more to the easiness of freeing Jeremiah and the fact Cadmus basically gave him away but they didn't they were all so overjoyed that he was back nothing else seemed to matter. The moments between Mon-El and Kara seemed really odd to me and kind of forced. And I didn't really care for the fact that Jeremiah basically gave himself away as the bad guy. But the fight scene between Jeremiah and J'onn was really cool to see. Then the final standoff between Alex and Jeremiah was really interesting in how it all turned out, and I'm curious to know what will happen when they come face to face in the next episode as well. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen in the next one.

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 9 "The Villain That's Become" Review

As the Wizard arrives in the Kingdom of Ev, an intense negotiation may lead to a standoff with Langwidere. Dorothy and Lucas find themselves on opposite sides. Meanwhile, Jack makes a decision that may have deadly consequences. Elsewhere, Tip and West solidify their bond and mount a battle of their own.

This was a very interesting and really great episode that did a really great job at setting up for the big final episode. I really liked all the moments between Lady Ev and The Wizard and all the trouble that happened because Lady Ev refused to give The Wizard his guns. It was really cool in the scene where some of The Wizards soldiers break out of some boxes. Then it was really interesting when they reviled the truth about Lady Ev and why she wears masks. The fight between Lucas and Dorothy was really great especially with how it ended with Dorothy leaving Lucas just as she found him. Then I kind of liked how Dorothy started on this mission to get an army of her own to fight against Galinda. Then the moments between West and Tip were great with them arguing about the best approach to go and take out The Wizard and get their revenge. And the scene with all the other witches and them not believing that Tip is Ozma was so cool to see how Tip managed to change their minds. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see how everything wraps up in this oncoming final battle.      

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 3 "Chapter 3" Review

David searches for answers, while a threat looms.

This was a really great and interesting episode that didn't really cover much but it was still really cool watching everything play out. Most of this episode consisted of the same things the last episode was about which was going into David's memories and figuring out how he works. I really liked how they played with the ideas of reality and fiction with there being some things that only David can see inside of his memories and the rest of the group has to work to try and find a way to see those same things too. And I found it kind of interesting that Syd could see those same things too like the weird little creature and the other figures in David's mind, but I think that be because she was him for a couple of hours so that makes it easier for her to see things. Then it was kind of cool in the moments where David spied on the location of Amy and The Eye saw him. I also liked the idea they did in this episode where the group got split up in David's mind and they each went on a different adventure because of it. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode and I can't wait for more.

Arrow Season 5 Episode 14 "The Sin-Eater" Review

Three of Oliver's old foes break out of prison and form an alliance; Meanwhile, Lance is confronted about an old partnership.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that was really interesting on how they decided to do everything. I liked the idea of breaking these three women out of jail, but their mission to get Church's money and the fact that they really were not in this episode much at all was really kind of annoying to me. Most of this episode focused on the Green Arrow being chased by the SCPD and how Oliver tried to fix that. Oliver confronting the police captain about falsifying information about Malone's death was kind of cool for some parts like with what he said about the Green Arrow being a hero, but also kind of dumb for what came out of it. I really liked all the flashback scenes in this episode where Covar talks about the story of the sin-eater and how Oliver is like that because the sin-eater goes and take on all the sins of those around him in the hopes that the others can go on sin free. The event that Thea decided to do in order to protect Oliver from being outed as the Green Arrow was really interesting and I liked how they related it back to something that her mother would have done because that was kind of true. And just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode.      

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 15 "Self Control" Review

Aida continues to go crazy. And with 4 LMDs in the base can Fitz and Jemma survive?

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was a little confusing at points but still really great. I really liked the whole atmosphere that they had going on at the SHIELD headquarters where there were two different stories going on about who was an LMD and who isn't. The one part that kind of confused me was where the photo said four LMD's detected and only three of them in the photo were LMD's because it would have made since if May or someone else was in the photo as well but it was just four of them so that made no sense to me once the truth came out of who is an LMD and who isn't. Simmons in this episode was really cool with her kind of going crazy with all the different things she went through in this episode. Then I also like the moment where some of the other agents of SHIELD don't know if Simmons is an LMD or not so they are ready to attack her when Daisy does something to stop them. All the moments with Aida were really interesting with her doing all these things to try and keep the mainframe up and running as more people are added to it. The scene where Aida talks about her programming being a paradox and the way she fixed that as well as fixing the problem with The Superior was really cool. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see what the next one will bring after how this one left off.

The Flash Season 3 Episode 13 "Attack on Gorilla City" Review

Barry and the team travel to Earth-2 to rescue Harry from Gorilla City, where they're captured and brought to Grodd, who claims he needs their help to stop Solovar.

This was a really fun and interesting episode that had some really great moments in it. I liked the team that went to Gorilla City and how each of them was a part of the story. Grodd's whole plan was really interesting with how everyone was involved in it and why he needed them to get back home. The scene where Barry fights Solovar was really cool with how Cisco tried to help Barry out and seemed to have a name for all the different moves. Then it was really interesting how the team eventually escaped from Grodd by using Caitlin's cold powers that Grodd doesn't know she has. Then the ending was kind of cool with Grodd not being able to use Cisco to help him get back to Earth 1 so he found someone else. Then I really liked the moment where Wells met HR again and the truth about HR came out and it was a lot of fun around that. Then I also really liked all the moments where Barry is talking about Wally no really behind Wally's back. The relationship between Caitlin and Julian I'm kind of okay with and I do like it for my prediction that Julian might be working for the long game with one of the headlines being about Killer Frost and if you know anything about Killer Frost you know she really only became cold when she cut herself off from all her friends So Julian being there might help with that headline. And I don't know how I feel about the possibility of Jesse coming to stay on Earth 1 because, on one hand, I like it because that might mean more screen time for Wally but I don't like it for the fact that means there would be three speedsters running around. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode and I can't wait to see what the next episode will bring.     

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 17 "Dirty Seeds, Done Dirt Cheap" Review

When a simple mission to protect a vital seed bank goes awry, Team Scorpion must save Happy, Sylvester and Cabe, who begin suffering from life-threatening, fear-based hallucinations.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that had some really fun moments in it. I really liked the idea in this episode that several of the members of Team Scorpion have to face their greatest fears and the rest of the team have to figure out how to help them before they fall into a coma. And each of the fears was really interesting where with Happy it was all about being rejected again like she had been her whole childhood and Toby had to help her out by acting like he had always been her friend. Then Sylvester's fear was chickens and Paige had to act like a bully to get him to act brave and prove he is not a chicken. And Cabe's fear was being old and Walter had to help him by proving to Cabe that being old can be a good thing. Then the whole mixture cure that Walter and Paige made to help fight against the hallucinations and other symptoms was some really interesting scenes with all the other problems that happened around them. Then the ending was really fun this Sylvester going to a debate and winning it. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode.  

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 13 "Mr. & Mrs. Mxyzptlk" Review

A magical imp called Mr. Mxyzptlk arrives on Earth and wreaks havoc on National City when Kara doesn't reciprocate his feelings.

This was a really great episode that I was so excited to see what they were going to do and it was just so good. Mxyzptlk is one of the few Superman characters that I'm familiar with and I really wanted to know what they would do with him because you can't really kill him or trap him because of all his powers. It was a little sad that they had Mxyzptlk and all his powers that make him basically a god but they didn't show him all that much. I also found it a little weird how Mon-El had all this back history about fourth-dimensional beings and he didn't care to share any of it with Kara unless it slipped out accidently, instead he went and tried to solve it all on his own. Like he could have given Kara some help on her trail of trying to solve the Mxyzptlk problem in a non-lethal way. And all the fight scenes between Mon-El and Mxyzptlk were really fun and done well for the style that they were trying to show with Mxyzptlk running most of the show. It did get a little overdone with how many times it was brought up that it was valentines day. The moments between Maggie and Alex were really interesting with them finally revealing a bit more about Maggie's past, and I did like that they had a bit of the lesson in there that you need to work for each other wants in a relationship and not just think about yourself. Then the ending of how Kara eventually tricked Mxyzptlk was really fun with her using all the different things that Mxyzptlk can't stop Kara from doing and using those against him to create one final main trick on him. And just overall this was a really great and fun episode and I can't wait to see what the next one will bring.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 8 "Lions in Winter" Review

Dorothy and Lucas arrive at Glinda's castle; the wizard heads to the Kingdom of Ev to build his arsenal of weapons; West uses dangerous magic to help Tip reconnect with her past; Jack tries to find his place in Langwidere's life.

This was a really interesting episode that had some really great moments in it and some moments that felt a little long. I found it really interesting how Dorothy went from being a prisoner of Glinda's to then being a healer trying to help the young witches who overused their powers. I found it kind of weird how Lucas getting his memories back completely changed his personality where he is ignoring Sylvie and acting really stuck up. But when it is brought up he says that he still has his memories from his time with Dorothy and the feeling that went along with that, so what are they trying to do with him. All the moments with West were also really interesting with her having a mental breakdown over all the different things that have happened in the past few episodes. I found it also really cool how West tried to help Tip get their memories back from the time they were Ozma but also giving Tip the magical powers of the eastern witch. So that I'm really excited to see play out and see just how much power Tip now has. And I really loved the scene between Glinda and West where they discuss their mother and it is brought up the West was always the Witch of the South's favorite. Then I really liked the moments with Jack just wondering around Ev trying to come up with something to do since he can't hang out with Lady Ev. I do wonder if he will stay away from her for very long or what all is going to happen there since there friendship kind of fell into trouble. I did really like the ending of this episode even though it wasn't all that surprising that Ev would turn on Oz the minute they finished all the weapons. And just overall this was a really interesting and god episode.   

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 2 "Chapter 2" Review

David reflects on his past with the help of new friends.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was so much fun to watch. I liked that this whole episode revolved around going into David's past and figuring out when his powers first started acting up and what sort of triggers them. It was really interesting how David kept avoiding trying to talk about the little demon that he keeps seeing whenever they were in his mind in the past. The man whose abilities were to go inside dreams was really cool and I liked it when David started to get annoyed by him and started to take over the control. I really liked the comment David made to Syd where he said that they have a relationship of the mind. And it was fun to watch all the incidences of David using his powers now that he is aware of them and can control them a little bit more. Then his whole vision moment where he saw his sister in trouble was very interesting with how they decided to show it, and I'm very curious to know what they are going to do now that The Eye has his sister. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode to watch.   

Arrow Season 5 Episode 13 "Spectre of the Gun" Review

Following a traumatic attack on City Hall, flashbacks show how Rene became Wild Dog.

This was a really interesting and okay episode that was really entertaining to watch everything play out. It was really interesting how this whole episode was kind of its own perspective on the gun control debate, but also not fully taking one side or the other but kind of just establishing that guns are a problem that needs to be fixed. It was kind of cool that most of this episode revolved around Oliver not being the Green Arrow but rather him just being the mayor and solving the problems that way. Then the whole attack of City Hall was interesting with how they decided to show it and who got hit and who didn't. Then the actual gunman in this episode was kind of hard to follow his motive because he wanted somewhat of revenge for the fact that his family died at the hands of a rogue gunman but also like understood that even if some laws were in place nothing could have been done to stop the murder of his family because that person got a hold of the gun illegally. So I really don't know what was going on there, but that whole final conversation between the gunman and Oliver was really interesting. Then it was also cool in the moment where Oliver brought up all the people he had lost due to violence. Then going into Rene's whole backstory was kind of cool with how he went from being this family man to having basically no one. But some of it felt a little too overdone with how bad everything got in that sort of final fight to save his wife. But I did like the ending where he watched the Green Arrow kill Darhk and that was his little spark of inspiration. And the whole fight on gun control between Rene and Curtis that kind of helped to reveal a bit of Rene's past was interesting with how it ended with Curtis wanting to help Rene get his daughter back. And just overall this was a really interesting episode and I can't wait to see what the next one will bring.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 14 "The Man Behind the Shield" Review

Coulson and the team engage in a deadly cat-and-mouse game as they work to rescue Director Mace, who is fighting for his life.

This was a really interesting episode that was kind of boring for most of it but still entertaining to watch. In my opinion, there was not much that happened in this episode, all they did was follow the clues and track down The Superior and then confront him and that was about it. I did like the moments of flashback where it was showing why The Superior hates Coulson but those moments were kind of hard to follow what was all going on. The moment where Coulson actually confronts The Superior was cool with Coulson making the comments of I have been on many missions and the one specific one you're mad at me about I barely remember because it wasn't that exciting so I don't care about you that much. And then he walked out and left it up to Daisy to fight The Superior because she had way more hatred towards him then Coulson did. All the interrogation moments with Mace were interesting with what he and The Superior talked about but otherwise, they kind of dragged on a bit too much for my liking. Then the ending of this episode was really cool with most of the team now being replaced by LMD's and those who are left have to deal with that. And just overall this was a really interesting episode but not all that great of one.   

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 16 "Keep It in Check, Mate" Review

Walter and Sylvester enter an international chess competition under cover on foreign soil for Team Scorpion in order to extricate a U.S. spy before her identity is exposed.

This was a really fun episode that at moments felt a little too overdone but it was still really entertaining to watch. I did really like the idea of the three-way avoidance of chess between Toby, Walter, and Sylvester. I was also really fun to watch Sylvester get very aggressively angry about playing the game and Walter coming up with simple small cheats to that would bug Sylvester in an attempt to make sure Sylvester is not better than Walter at something. I did like the moment where Walter and Sylvester are competing against each other and one of the announcers says "they must be having such high intellectual thoughts," when they are not. one of the moments that felt a little over done was their whole escape plan when of course there one helper was caught and taken prisoner. I feel it would have been better if there helpers position had been compromised and they just had to get her to a different location instead of trying to do everything on their own. That being said how they did eventually escape the cops was really cool. All the moments with Happy were very interesting with her doing everything she can to save her father from going to prison. Which seemed kind of odd to me because I feel waiting two years to see him again is a better option than sending him to Mexico. But overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode. 

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 12 "Luthors" Review

Lena is arrested when Metallo breaks Lillian out of prison and evidence suggests that Lena is responsible.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that was really interesting with some of the directions they decided to take. I did really like that they brought Metallo back and did a bit of a different take on him by giving him fake kryptonite that was slowly killing him the more he used it. All the accusations about Lena were really interesting because for the mist part they rang in some truth, especially the part where James brought up the old friendship between Lex and Clark. Then the scene where they are in one of Lex's hideouts I want to know why Lillian couldn't open the safe because all she said was only a Luthor could open it so sure that meant Lena but it also should mean Lillian. It was really cool to see all the different stuff Lex had stored in that safe like the power armor, and I want to know what was inside that box Lillian picked up that Lex completed. Then the ending with Lena was a little confusing to me because of the final look she had made it seem like she is hiding something. Then the ending between Mon-El and Kara was really cool with them finally making that decision of how they see each other. And I really liked the moment with Eve talking about Mon-El on a date and all he did was talk about Kara. And just overall this was a really great episode and with how this episode ended and what the preview showed I am so excited for the next episode.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 7 "They Came First" Review

The Wizard enlists West to help launch an attack on a village as his power is threatened.

This was a really interesting a great episode that got kind of sad but still really entertaining to watch. It was really sad in the moments where the Wizard sent out all his guards to take all the girls and see if any of them were witches through West examining all of them. It was really interesting to watch West falling apart at the idea of going through this war again and watching all these young witches die. I did really like the moment where West tried to protect the one witch they found from the Wizard but I do have to ask did she think the Wizard was going to do anything nice then try and lock the witches up or kill them. Then it a kind of great ending for the Wizard where he has chosen to fully go to war with Glinda. The moments with Jack were great with him finally going full tin man with some of his parts rusting up and him needing help to walk again. The scenes with Lucas and Dorothy were okay but it just kind of felt to me like they just kept repeating the same things over and over again. The only exciting part was the ending where they finally got to Glinda's and Glinda gave Lucas all his memories back and the outcome that came from that. Then I really liked the ending with West and the one young witch the Wizard found and how I think they might be hinting at Tip being a stolen Ozma, which if true that is so cool. But overall this was a very interesting episode but it wasn't one of my favorites.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Code Black Season 2 Episode 16 "Fallen Angels" Review

The doctors of Angel's Memorial partner with Center for Disease Control and Prevention to find an antidote for the viral outbreak.

This again was a really sad and great episode that did a really great of wrapping things up from the last episode as well as the season. I did really like how quickly they got to finding patient zero and getting him and the rest of the people who were infected inside the tent and be monitored. That was really nice so then the rest of this episode could just be dedicated to them going out and finding a cure for the virus. I was still a little confused as to why this CDC truck carrying this virus was stolen because all they really said was that it was stolen but not why. Because in my mind stealing a CDC truck is the worst idea because then things like what happened in this episode could happen. The main CDC guy still remained pretty annoying but he did have his reasons and protocols he needed to follow. It was really cool how in the tent with those who were sick it continued on with those who were not that sick continued to help out those who were a little worse off. The actual search for a cure was really nice with the one lady CDC worker not wanting to leave those who are sick and dying behind and actually let the doctors look around for a potential person who has antibodies that could fight off the disease. The man with a dying heart went from probably being one of the happier stories in the last episode to being the sadder ones in this episode because that whole family really couldn't catch a break with several bad things just constantly happening to them. Then ending of this episode was really nice like it was at the end of last season where they end it on a note that can be picked up on if the series continues and if not it can end there and nothing is really left up in the air. So overall this was a really great episode and hopefully, this series will be picked up for a third season.

Legion Season 1 Episode 1 "Chapter 1" Review

David considers whether the voices he hears might be real.

This was a really cool first episode that was very exciting and a little confusing which I feel is the perfect style for what the show is about. I really do agree with the comments saying that this is in the style of if West Anderson tried to do a superhero movie. Because this is a very bright and colorful show with a lot of music and it is completely that style of look. It was a little too jumpy with how it moved through the scenes, I was expecting it to be a bit jumpy with the material of Legion's story that there telling but this was a bit too much. All the interrogation scenes were really cool with how with each moment the intensity of everything rose and the ending where they had David in the pool ready to shock him if he didn't answer the questions. Syd was also a really cool character that was fun with how she wouldn't let anyone touch her, and her powers seemed really cool and hopefully will be shown in more detail as the episode progress. I also really like how they made it seem like you really don't know what is really and what isn't and who is real and who isn't. Then the whole body switch moment was interesting with how it was shown and hopefully in the episodes to come they will show how they got back into the correct bodies. And the ending was just so cool with all the action kind of thrown in there all at once. And just overall this seems like a really cool but confusing series so far and I am defiantly going to keep watching it for a few episodes to see how the story progresses and see if I continue to like it.

Arrow Season 5 Episode 12 "Bratva" Review

A mission sends Team Arrow to Russia where Oliver encounters an old friend.

This was a really interesting episode that was not one of my favorites because it was kind of boring but it was still in okay episode on its own. I did really like the team getting out of Starling City and having and adventure together. It was a little hard of a storyline to follow because everyone was moving around to different locations all over Russia and they all seemed kind of random but somehow they were all connected together. It was a little weird how easily the Bratva took Oliver back after what he did. Because in the first scene they hated him, but then he like kind of apologized to the leader and he let Oliver back in so quickly it just seemed really weird to me. All the attempts to catch the man who wronged Diggle was very interesting with how both scenes turned out and I did really like they made the last decision of what to do up to Diggle to decide whether to kill the guy or not. I also liked that Ragman used his powers to stop and explosion from killing more people, but it was a little sad that his ropes got destroyed in the process and now has to find a way to fix them. The scene where Felicity had to go and get some information out of a guy was really cool with how it was all done and how she used some information from the USB drive she got to get the guy to talk to her. I also really liked the moments with Lance and him getting his position as deputy mayor back. It was also cool when Rene helped Lance prepaid for his interview and Rene talked about how Lance once helped him years ago. Then finally bringing back Susan's quest to learn about Oliver's backstory was a little annoying because it has been so long since it was last brought up. But it was nice that it was discussed how Oliver could be the Green Arrow. And just overall this was a really interesting episode and hopefully, the next one will be better.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 13 "BOOM" Review

An explosive Inhuman surfaces and the team are tasked with containing it. Elsewhere: Coulson and Mack encounter Radcliffe's inspiration for Aida.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had some great moments to it. I really liked the idea of the explosive inhuman coming from a member of the Watchdogs because that was something I have been wondering for a while now is how to any of the members of the Watchdogs know for sure that they aren't inhuman if they haven't ever truly come into contact with the terrigen mist. I also really liked that this guy hated what he has become but also kind of accepted it and chose to stick with his plan to help The Superior. Then the way that SHIELD actually caught him, in the end, was kind of cool with them having to catch him in his gas form. It is kind of nice that senator Nadeer is finally out of the picture because it helped limit down the bad guys a bit. Director Mace in this episode was a little sad with the fact that he wants to be a part of the team and be out there in the world helping people but the serum he is taking is slowly killing him. I also really liked the moment where Mace was on the phone with Coulson talking about finding your place and Coulson went and made a few references to the Avengers and that was kind of fun. And with how this episode ended with him being captured I can't wait to see what will happen next especially when The Superior finds out that Director Mace isn't actually inhuman. All the moments with Coulson trying to track down Radcliff were very interesting but I feel someone else should have been there instead of Coulson because his feelings were kind of getting the better of him and he made some decisions that were not the best. I did really like meeting the women Aida is based on and finding out the whole story behind her and her relationship with Radcliff. But I want to know why Coulson thought she might have some information on Radcliff's location. Did he really think because she is the original that Aida is based on means she is still in cahoots with Radcliff because I could easily think of a million other reasons. It was also interesting how Aida is improving with her going from creating a program that acts like a human brain to going a creating a program that simulates the world that people could live in after death. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode to watch.

The Flash Season 3 Episode 12 "Untouchable" Review

A criminal meta-human is causing people to decompose at an accelerated rate.

This was a really interesting episode that had some great moments to it and some that were a little boring. I liked the powers behind this meta-human and that they related it back to Flashpoint with him wanting revenge on the officers who caught him in the Flashpoint world. And it was really cool that Flashpoint was the way all these people were connected and without that, they just seemed like four kind of random people this guy was targeting. I really liked that this was a villain that no one could touch because if they did they would die. The scene where at Jitters was a little annoying with the daughter obsessing over Kid Flash and just praising him as the best ever. And I just really did not like that lady at all. The only part of that scene that I liked was everyone trying to get Joe to pick whether The Flash or Kid Flash is better. It was also kind of nice that they had Caitlin use her powers to help Iris, but I feel that event might be the point the starts Caitlin on the path of becoming Killer Frost that Barry saw in the future. I also really liked that this episode had Kid Flash improving his powers a bit with him learning how to phase through things and some of the other tricks besides just running fast. The scene where Flash and Kid Flash had to stop a train was really cool because what I thought Barry might do was to absorb all the speed and stop the train that way but instead he vibrated the whole train and got it all to phase through the stuff blocking the tracks. And I liked how the speedster blood is opposite to the blood of the meta-human the were facing, so all they had to do was get there blood inside of him and his powers didn't work anymore. With how this episode ended I really can't wait to see what happened with Grod and everything around that because if I remember right they set him to a place to be with other gorillas like him so maybe the next two episodes will be full on The Planet of the Apes. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 15 "Sharknerdo" Review

Walter and Paige are surrounded by sharks when their boat explodes in the middle of the Pacific Ocean during a mission to find sunken treasure.

This was a really great episode that had some really fun moments and was really interesting to watch. I liked having Toby be super happy about basically being a pirate and hunting for treasure and then watching him become board once he realizes how long and uneventful the task actually is. It was also really nice that they finally truly had Walter and Paige together and not have it be awkward instead they finally sat down and talked about how things have been between each other in the last few months. And I actually really liked that because it wasn't a moment where they writers are trying to force and Walter Paige relationship but rather just the two of them sitting down as friends and talking. Then the two of them dealing with the sharks was fun and interesting with how they eventually got out of the situation. Then Sylvester in this episode was interesting with him having to deal with his work of saving Walter and Paige but also keeping up appearances for his campaign. And I liked how this episode ended with all the relationship problems kind of being mended. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode.  

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 11 "The Martian Chronicles" Review

A White Martian called Armek comes to National City with the intention of bringing M'gann back to Mars to be punished for her treason.

This was a really interesting episode that didn't have all that much to it but it was still really entertaining to watch. I liked the whole premise they had going on at the DEO where someone there is the White Martian's in disguise and they went through the whole primes of agents accusing each other back and forth until the truth was reviled. I also liked how they did create a test to tell who is a Martian and who isn't by using fire because apparently, it is really hard to hold form when exposed to heat. Then the final fight scene between the agents and the White Martian's was really cool with how everyone played into it. And I liked Winn's comment when he was trying to stop the DEO from exploding amongst all the fighting and he just said: "don't look behind you and everything will be fine". And hopefully, with how this episode ended, M'gann will be back at some point because I really like her personality compared to everyone else. Then the things with Alex and Kara's relationship was okay it did get a little long and annoying, but it was defiantly nice to have in there and of course in there it messed with Maggie and Alex's relationship a bit again. Then the talk between Mon-El and Kara after how the last episode ended was really sad and awkward because of how hard it is for Kara to talk about her emotions. Then, of course, the ending of this episode sucked because she finally was willing to put herself out there just to end up being crushed. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for more.    

Monday, February 6, 2017

Emerald City Season 1 Episode 6 "Beautiful Wickedness" Review

Dorothy’s confrontation with the Wizard brings her closer to discovering the truth about her past. Lucas goes to great lengths to recover his memory, even if it means allying with West. The Wizard enacts his plan with Lady Ev to prepare for the battle to come.

This was a really interesting episode that took the story in a lot of different ways that I was not expecting. I liked that they did show a bit of how the Wizard got to OZ and how it seems like he knew about OZ before that which seemed really odd to me. Then it was interesting how they got Lucas's memory's back somewhat to help tell what happened when he killed all those guards. The whole idea of having the witch of the south in this I am so excited for if they do go and show her at all, because it is the one witch who isn't really talked about all that much. I also really liked that the little girl Dorothy and Lucas found is a cardinal witch created by the Witch of the South, as well as several other little girls like her. Glinda being that actual bad guy is a really cool idea and I can't wait to see what they are going to do with it, and I can't wait to see what side Dorothy will actually take in this war. The moment between Jack and Tip I have been waiting to see happen and it did in this episode, and it pretty much went as I was expecting it to go. With Jack being mad at Tip for leaving him alone and Tip not sure what to say in order to apologize. Then all the moments with the gun were kind of interesting with the Wizard giving it and the ammo to Lady Ev to have her people go and make more to help weaponized both cities. I really want to know if they are trying to imply that Glinda is that darkness in the form of a human that is coming or is that is still a whole other force that is still approaching. But I do have to say overall I really enjoyed this episode and I can't wait to see more.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Code Black Season 2 Episode 15 "The Devil's Workshop" Review

A viral outbreak jeopardizes the doctors and patients of Angel's Memorial.

This was a really exciting and sad episode that was so interesting to watch everything play out. The first scene with the girl who was infected with this really dangerous disease was kind of interesting with the group of friends trying to perform an exorcism on her. Then later when Ethan went back to check on the people and they were in even worse shape than her, was so kind of cool. Even though they decided to go with the horror movie route with the eerie feeling that someone was going to jump out at Ethan at any moment and I didn't care so much for that. It was also very interesting with who they decided to have be infected by the disease and who wasn't. I also liked that the doctors who were infected decided to keep doing their jobs in dealing with the infected and helping out the other doctors in the tent while they still can instead of just sitting back worrying about when they would start feeling the symptoms. The father who's heart was failing and was worrying about making it to his daughter's wedding was probably the happiest story in this whole episode, which is saying a lot. It was nice that they brought Nora back for this episode and had her doing a bit of her job as the college basketball doctor. The ending of this episode was so sad with the voice over and who died and I really kind of hope that none of the other doctors end up dead. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see how everything turns out because they still need to track down patient zero who is still walking around infecting others.    

Arrow Season 5 Episode 11 "Second Chances" Review

Talia al Ghul helps Oliver take down Kovar, but he isn't sure he wants it when she reveals what she requests in return.

This was a really interesting episode that had some good moments to it but it was a really kind of boring episode. The main thing in this episode was getting Tina to pick up the role of Black Canary. I did really like them going a bit into her backstory of when she became a meta-human, and I really like that they made the connection of she got the power of the Canary cry because she was screaming when the dark matter hit her. It was a little annoying how stuck up Tina was with any idea of having the Green Arrow help her on her quest for revenge. The parts with Talia in this episode were really interesting with her knowing all these things about Oliver and what he has done. Now it seems like she is going to help Oliver become the Arrow. And she just seemed like a really cool character and I can't wait to see more of her. It was really fun to see Felicity using some of her hacking skills to find a way to help out Diggle. And it was fun to meet one member of a group that is kind of fans of Felicity's past hackism work. Just overall this was an interesting episode to watch but it was a little boring and not that much to it.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 12 "Hot Potato Soup" Review

Dr. Radcliffe goes after the Koenig family to find the location of the Darkhold. The Superior reveals his plans to Radcliffe.

This was a really great episode that had so many moments I loved so much and it was really great watching everything play out. Bringing the Koenig's back into the mix as well as introducing a few more of them was really great. And I still continue to love the moments where people are confused by how there can be so many of them and how it seems that when one dies another pops up. Then the scene where Radcliffe is trying to get information out of Billy by acting like he was being held hostage too, was a really interesting idea. I do wish that they would have introduced The Superior in some way before this episode but he still was a really cool character and I can't wait to see more of him. Then I liked Fitz working on the android Radcliffe to try and get information out of him and discovered a connection between Radcliffe and his father. And I'm really happy that they brought back the computerized brain that Aida was working on. And the revile of android May I wish would have gone a bit different than how it did because I can't quite figure out how Coulson knew she wasn't May. Then whole ending standing off between SHIELD and the Watchdogs was really interesting with how everything went down. I kind of wish that after all the effort Radcliffe didn't end up with the Darkhold, but I am very excited to see what all Radcliffe has planned and what kind of repercussions are going to come out of him using it. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for more.  

The Flash Season 3 Episode 11 "Dead or Alive" Review

Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon must work together to save Harrison Wells from an inter-dimensional bounty hunter who seeks to kill him, as it is a crime on Earth-19 to transport yourself to another earth. Cisco and Barry must fight against the bounty hunter in a fight to the death to save Harrison's life.

This was a really great episode that was a little hard to follow at moments but it still was so cool to watch everything play out. I am so happy that they are finally working on improving Cisco's powers more and I hope that Gypsy's appearance continues to have the growth happen so that he can be equal to her. It was nice that they did find a place for Julian on the team, kind of, with him being a bit of the mathematician and calculating the probability of things working out. Then HR's whole part where he explained why he left Earth-19 was really interesting even though I didn't fully understand it. And I really liked Cisco's moment where he talks about why he want to save HR and it being because the other Wells had always been there for him so he wanted to do the same for this Wells. All the parts with Iris in this episode made me so mad. Because I really liked the team up between Iris and Wally, and I understand Iris's whole idea that if she is going to die she wants to make her life matter before that happens. But the fact that she constantly is putting her life in danger in order to reach that idea because she has the mentality that she knows when she is going to die and it is not today is so stupid in my mind. Because Barry already proved that changing events in the present can change events in the future so Iris still could die in the present and then the future will change because she will already be dead. And her whole new even more headstrong personality because she kind of knows the future is so annoying. And the way this episode ended was a little predictable with Barry coming to the conclusion that maybe he can't save Iris but Wally can. But overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for more.