Thursday, February 2, 2017

Code Black Season 2 Episode 15 "The Devil's Workshop" Review

A viral outbreak jeopardizes the doctors and patients of Angel's Memorial.

This was a really exciting and sad episode that was so interesting to watch everything play out. The first scene with the girl who was infected with this really dangerous disease was kind of interesting with the group of friends trying to perform an exorcism on her. Then later when Ethan went back to check on the people and they were in even worse shape than her, was so kind of cool. Even though they decided to go with the horror movie route with the eerie feeling that someone was going to jump out at Ethan at any moment and I didn't care so much for that. It was also very interesting with who they decided to have be infected by the disease and who wasn't. I also liked that the doctors who were infected decided to keep doing their jobs in dealing with the infected and helping out the other doctors in the tent while they still can instead of just sitting back worrying about when they would start feeling the symptoms. The father who's heart was failing and was worrying about making it to his daughter's wedding was probably the happiest story in this whole episode, which is saying a lot. It was nice that they brought Nora back for this episode and had her doing a bit of her job as the college basketball doctor. The ending of this episode was so sad with the voice over and who died and I really kind of hope that none of the other doctors end up dead. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait to see how everything turns out because they still need to track down patient zero who is still walking around infecting others.    

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