Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 12 "Luthors" Review

Lena is arrested when Metallo breaks Lillian out of prison and evidence suggests that Lena is responsible.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that was really interesting with some of the directions they decided to take. I did really like that they brought Metallo back and did a bit of a different take on him by giving him fake kryptonite that was slowly killing him the more he used it. All the accusations about Lena were really interesting because for the mist part they rang in some truth, especially the part where James brought up the old friendship between Lex and Clark. Then the scene where they are in one of Lex's hideouts I want to know why Lillian couldn't open the safe because all she said was only a Luthor could open it so sure that meant Lena but it also should mean Lillian. It was really cool to see all the different stuff Lex had stored in that safe like the power armor, and I want to know what was inside that box Lillian picked up that Lex completed. Then the ending with Lena was a little confusing to me because of the final look she had made it seem like she is hiding something. Then the ending between Mon-El and Kara was really cool with them finally making that decision of how they see each other. And I really liked the moment with Eve talking about Mon-El on a date and all he did was talk about Kara. And just overall this was a really great episode and with how this episode ended and what the preview showed I am so excited for the next episode.

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