Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 18 "Don't Burst My Bubble" Review

Team Scorpion must move Happy's friend Ada, and the sterile bubble Ada lives in that protects her compromised immune system, to a secure location after a severe storm leaves the structure surrounded by dangerous debris.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had some really entertaining moments to it. I really liked that this episode focused more on Happy and her gaining a friend and everything around that. The whole concept around the idea of Happy not having any friends outside of Scorpion was really cool with her not returning a guest list to Toby for their wedding and I really liked the one line Happy said near the end of this episode which was I finally made a new friend and I can't even invite her to my wedding. Then I really love that they kept going back to Sylvester and his fear of germs to help them keep Ada sterile as the transported her. Then all they ways that they actually got Ada into a new sterile bubble was kind of cool with the materials they used and how they got everything perfect for her. I loved the ending where Ada and Happy are talking about the events of the day and Happy is feeling bad for her and Ada brings up all the things she did that day that she thought she would never do again like hug her dad, or feel the sun on her face. Then the moments with Sylvester and the votes being cast in was very interesting and I liked how in the end everything managed to end in Sylvester's favor. Then I really loved the ending of this episode and how it ended kind of happy for everyone. And just overall t

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