Thursday, February 16, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 2 "Chapter 2" Review

David reflects on his past with the help of new friends.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that was so much fun to watch. I liked that this whole episode revolved around going into David's past and figuring out when his powers first started acting up and what sort of triggers them. It was really interesting how David kept avoiding trying to talk about the little demon that he keeps seeing whenever they were in his mind in the past. The man whose abilities were to go inside dreams was really cool and I liked it when David started to get annoyed by him and started to take over the control. I really liked the comment David made to Syd where he said that they have a relationship of the mind. And it was fun to watch all the incidences of David using his powers now that he is aware of them and can control them a little bit more. Then his whole vision moment where he saw his sister in trouble was very interesting with how they decided to show it, and I'm very curious to know what they are going to do now that The Eye has his sister. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode to watch.   

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