Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Supergirl Season 2 Episode 11 "The Martian Chronicles" Review

A White Martian called Armek comes to National City with the intention of bringing M'gann back to Mars to be punished for her treason.

This was a really interesting episode that didn't have all that much to it but it was still really entertaining to watch. I liked the whole premise they had going on at the DEO where someone there is the White Martian's in disguise and they went through the whole primes of agents accusing each other back and forth until the truth was reviled. I also liked how they did create a test to tell who is a Martian and who isn't by using fire because apparently, it is really hard to hold form when exposed to heat. Then the final fight scene between the agents and the White Martian's was really cool with how everyone played into it. And I liked Winn's comment when he was trying to stop the DEO from exploding amongst all the fighting and he just said: "don't look behind you and everything will be fine". And hopefully, with how this episode ended, M'gann will be back at some point because I really like her personality compared to everyone else. Then the things with Alex and Kara's relationship was okay it did get a little long and annoying, but it was defiantly nice to have in there and of course in there it messed with Maggie and Alex's relationship a bit again. Then the talk between Mon-El and Kara after how the last episode ended was really sad and awkward because of how hard it is for Kara to talk about her emotions. Then, of course, the ending of this episode sucked because she finally was willing to put herself out there just to end up being crushed. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for more.    

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