Thursday, February 16, 2017

Arrow Season 5 Episode 13 "Spectre of the Gun" Review

Following a traumatic attack on City Hall, flashbacks show how Rene became Wild Dog.

This was a really interesting and okay episode that was really entertaining to watch everything play out. It was really interesting how this whole episode was kind of its own perspective on the gun control debate, but also not fully taking one side or the other but kind of just establishing that guns are a problem that needs to be fixed. It was kind of cool that most of this episode revolved around Oliver not being the Green Arrow but rather him just being the mayor and solving the problems that way. Then the whole attack of City Hall was interesting with how they decided to show it and who got hit and who didn't. Then the actual gunman in this episode was kind of hard to follow his motive because he wanted somewhat of revenge for the fact that his family died at the hands of a rogue gunman but also like understood that even if some laws were in place nothing could have been done to stop the murder of his family because that person got a hold of the gun illegally. So I really don't know what was going on there, but that whole final conversation between the gunman and Oliver was really interesting. Then it was also cool in the moment where Oliver brought up all the people he had lost due to violence. Then going into Rene's whole backstory was kind of cool with how he went from being this family man to having basically no one. But some of it felt a little too overdone with how bad everything got in that sort of final fight to save his wife. But I did like the ending where he watched the Green Arrow kill Darhk and that was his little spark of inspiration. And the whole fight on gun control between Rene and Curtis that kind of helped to reveal a bit of Rene's past was interesting with how it ended with Curtis wanting to help Rene get his daughter back. And just overall this was a really interesting episode and I can't wait to see what the next one will bring.

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