Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 12 "Hot Potato Soup" Review

Dr. Radcliffe goes after the Koenig family to find the location of the Darkhold. The Superior reveals his plans to Radcliffe.

This was a really great episode that had so many moments I loved so much and it was really great watching everything play out. Bringing the Koenig's back into the mix as well as introducing a few more of them was really great. And I still continue to love the moments where people are confused by how there can be so many of them and how it seems that when one dies another pops up. Then the scene where Radcliffe is trying to get information out of Billy by acting like he was being held hostage too, was a really interesting idea. I do wish that they would have introduced The Superior in some way before this episode but he still was a really cool character and I can't wait to see more of him. Then I liked Fitz working on the android Radcliffe to try and get information out of him and discovered a connection between Radcliffe and his father. And I'm really happy that they brought back the computerized brain that Aida was working on. And the revile of android May I wish would have gone a bit different than how it did because I can't quite figure out how Coulson knew she wasn't May. Then whole ending standing off between SHIELD and the Watchdogs was really interesting with how everything went down. I kind of wish that after all the effort Radcliffe didn't end up with the Darkhold, but I am very excited to see what all Radcliffe has planned and what kind of repercussions are going to come out of him using it. And just overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for more.  

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