Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Agents of SHIELD Season 4 Episode 13 "BOOM" Review

An explosive Inhuman surfaces and the team are tasked with containing it. Elsewhere: Coulson and Mack encounter Radcliffe's inspiration for Aida.

This was a really great and interesting episode that had some great moments to it. I really liked the idea of the explosive inhuman coming from a member of the Watchdogs because that was something I have been wondering for a while now is how to any of the members of the Watchdogs know for sure that they aren't inhuman if they haven't ever truly come into contact with the terrigen mist. I also really liked that this guy hated what he has become but also kind of accepted it and chose to stick with his plan to help The Superior. Then the way that SHIELD actually caught him, in the end, was kind of cool with them having to catch him in his gas form. It is kind of nice that senator Nadeer is finally out of the picture because it helped limit down the bad guys a bit. Director Mace in this episode was a little sad with the fact that he wants to be a part of the team and be out there in the world helping people but the serum he is taking is slowly killing him. I also really liked the moment where Mace was on the phone with Coulson talking about finding your place and Coulson went and made a few references to the Avengers and that was kind of fun. And with how this episode ended with him being captured I can't wait to see what will happen next especially when The Superior finds out that Director Mace isn't actually inhuman. All the moments with Coulson trying to track down Radcliff were very interesting but I feel someone else should have been there instead of Coulson because his feelings were kind of getting the better of him and he made some decisions that were not the best. I did really like meeting the women Aida is based on and finding out the whole story behind her and her relationship with Radcliff. But I want to know why Coulson thought she might have some information on Radcliff's location. Did he really think because she is the original that Aida is based on means she is still in cahoots with Radcliff because I could easily think of a million other reasons. It was also interesting how Aida is improving with her going from creating a program that acts like a human brain to going a creating a program that simulates the world that people could live in after death. And just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode to watch.

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