Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 11 "Dead or Alive" Review

Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon must work together to save Harrison Wells from an inter-dimensional bounty hunter who seeks to kill him, as it is a crime on Earth-19 to transport yourself to another earth. Cisco and Barry must fight against the bounty hunter in a fight to the death to save Harrison's life.

This was a really great episode that was a little hard to follow at moments but it still was so cool to watch everything play out. I am so happy that they are finally working on improving Cisco's powers more and I hope that Gypsy's appearance continues to have the growth happen so that he can be equal to her. It was nice that they did find a place for Julian on the team, kind of, with him being a bit of the mathematician and calculating the probability of things working out. Then HR's whole part where he explained why he left Earth-19 was really interesting even though I didn't fully understand it. And I really liked Cisco's moment where he talks about why he want to save HR and it being because the other Wells had always been there for him so he wanted to do the same for this Wells. All the parts with Iris in this episode made me so mad. Because I really liked the team up between Iris and Wally, and I understand Iris's whole idea that if she is going to die she wants to make her life matter before that happens. But the fact that she constantly is putting her life in danger in order to reach that idea because she has the mentality that she knows when she is going to die and it is not today is so stupid in my mind. Because Barry already proved that changing events in the present can change events in the future so Iris still could die in the present and then the future will change because she will already be dead. And her whole new even more headstrong personality because she kind of knows the future is so annoying. And the way this episode ended was a little predictable with Barry coming to the conclusion that maybe he can't save Iris but Wally can. But overall this was a really great episode and I can't wait for more.     

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