Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 15 "Sharknerdo" Review

Walter and Paige are surrounded by sharks when their boat explodes in the middle of the Pacific Ocean during a mission to find sunken treasure.

This was a really great episode that had some really fun moments and was really interesting to watch. I liked having Toby be super happy about basically being a pirate and hunting for treasure and then watching him become board once he realizes how long and uneventful the task actually is. It was also really nice that they finally truly had Walter and Paige together and not have it be awkward instead they finally sat down and talked about how things have been between each other in the last few months. And I actually really liked that because it wasn't a moment where they writers are trying to force and Walter Paige relationship but rather just the two of them sitting down as friends and talking. Then the two of them dealing with the sharks was fun and interesting with how they eventually got out of the situation. Then Sylvester in this episode was interesting with him having to deal with his work of saving Walter and Paige but also keeping up appearances for his campaign. And I liked how this episode ended with all the relationship problems kind of being mended. And just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode.  

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