Thursday, February 9, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 1 "Chapter 1" Review

David considers whether the voices he hears might be real.

This was a really cool first episode that was very exciting and a little confusing which I feel is the perfect style for what the show is about. I really do agree with the comments saying that this is in the style of if West Anderson tried to do a superhero movie. Because this is a very bright and colorful show with a lot of music and it is completely that style of look. It was a little too jumpy with how it moved through the scenes, I was expecting it to be a bit jumpy with the material of Legion's story that there telling but this was a bit too much. All the interrogation scenes were really cool with how with each moment the intensity of everything rose and the ending where they had David in the pool ready to shock him if he didn't answer the questions. Syd was also a really cool character that was fun with how she wouldn't let anyone touch her, and her powers seemed really cool and hopefully will be shown in more detail as the episode progress. I also really like how they made it seem like you really don't know what is really and what isn't and who is real and who isn't. Then the whole body switch moment was interesting with how it was shown and hopefully in the episodes to come they will show how they got back into the correct bodies. And the ending was just so cool with all the action kind of thrown in there all at once. And just overall this seems like a really cool but confusing series so far and I am defiantly going to keep watching it for a few episodes to see how the story progresses and see if I continue to like it.

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