Thursday, February 9, 2017

Code Black Season 2 Episode 16 "Fallen Angels" Review

The doctors of Angel's Memorial partner with Center for Disease Control and Prevention to find an antidote for the viral outbreak.

This again was a really sad and great episode that did a really great of wrapping things up from the last episode as well as the season. I did really like how quickly they got to finding patient zero and getting him and the rest of the people who were infected inside the tent and be monitored. That was really nice so then the rest of this episode could just be dedicated to them going out and finding a cure for the virus. I was still a little confused as to why this CDC truck carrying this virus was stolen because all they really said was that it was stolen but not why. Because in my mind stealing a CDC truck is the worst idea because then things like what happened in this episode could happen. The main CDC guy still remained pretty annoying but he did have his reasons and protocols he needed to follow. It was really cool how in the tent with those who were sick it continued on with those who were not that sick continued to help out those who were a little worse off. The actual search for a cure was really nice with the one lady CDC worker not wanting to leave those who are sick and dying behind and actually let the doctors look around for a potential person who has antibodies that could fight off the disease. The man with a dying heart went from probably being one of the happier stories in the last episode to being the sadder ones in this episode because that whole family really couldn't catch a break with several bad things just constantly happening to them. Then ending of this episode was really nice like it was at the end of last season where they end it on a note that can be picked up on if the series continues and if not it can end there and nothing is really left up in the air. So overall this was a really great episode and hopefully, this series will be picked up for a third season.

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