Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 14 "Attack on Central City " Review

Grodd and his army bring their battle to Earth-1, which the team must find a way to stop.

This was a really interesting and okay episode that wasn't all that exciting but it was still really entertaining to watch everything play out. I liked that Grodd didn't just go straight in and started attacking the city he first tried some other methods of destroying it. And with that, I really liked how this whole episode revolved around Barry making the decision on whether or not to kill Grodd and end all their problems once and for all. I really liked how everyone was against the idea of Barry killing because they all see him as this shining light of good and if he kills that will change him forever. That was just so cool how they kept bringing that idea up because it is very true when it comes to Barry. Then the actual fight against Grodd was very interesting with how they chose to end it and who all was there to fight. Then the moments between Jessie and Wally were okay but they got little repetitive with Wells not being okay with Jessie staying on Earth 1. The moment between Wells and HR were also kind of annoying with Wells discrediting HR after every move he made. And just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode.   

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