Monday, March 27, 2017

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 14 "Page 23" Review

Believing there isn't room in Storybrooke for both her and Regina, the Evil Queen sets out to eliminate her other half. Hook, determined to make things work with Emma, turns to his old friend Captain Nemo for advice, but Gideon torpedoes the plan before he's able to set things right.

This was such a boring and pointless episode that was really unneeded. Because they brought back the Evil Queen at the end of the last episode just to completely get rid of her in this episode. With that, I'm very happy that they got rid of Robin as well because that was another pointless story line. And how they chose to get rid of the Queen is just why? Because I would have been fine if they just killed her or had her be absorbed back into Regina those would have been fine ideas but going and sending her away to have her own happy ending is just why? I did like how they chose to show Emma finding out about Hooks secret because it was kind of simple and not just someone else figuring it out. And I really liked that they brought Nemo back into the mix to help Hook out. The ending for Hook was kind of surprising and I wonder how that might affect the future because in Emma's vision Hook was there so if he is not maybe that will help change the future. And just overall this was not the greatest of episodes and kind of a pointless one.  

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