Monday, March 20, 2017

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 13 "Ill-Boding Patterns" Review

When Gideon resumes his mission to kill Emma, Mr. Gold steps in to ensure the use of dark magic doesn't poison his son; Hook learns Emma has a secret; Beowulf targets Rumplestiltskin.

This was a really interesting episode that was entertaining to watch but not really all that exciting. I really liked how most of this episode focused on Rumple and getting to know a bit more of his back story and him helping out Gideon. I loved the introduction of Beowulf in this episode because his story was one of the few books in school I actually enjoyed reading and I was very interested to see what they would do with his story. I found it a little weird how no one in the village seemed to know that Rumple was the dark one until Beowulf brought it up. And I really liked what they did with Baelfire and him using the dagger to help his father make decisions. The parts about Gideon repairing the sword was interesting with all the things he had to do to fix it. But the idea of Rumple darkening his heart to make sure Gideon never has to darken his heart seems a little too weird and confusing for me to accept it as a reasonable solution. Then the moments with Hook in this episode were great with him struggling on whether or not he should tell Emma the truth about David's father. And with how this episode ended I wonder what will happen to him in the future when the truth does come out. And just overall this was a really interesting episode but it was also a little boring of one.     

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