Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 7 "Chapter 7" Review

David tries to find a way out of his predicament.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that was so great to watch and see how they all escaped from David's mind. I really liked how they decided to take the astral plane idea with Oliver being in control of it and can create anything in the to block the monster in David's mind, but then also this monster pretty much has its eyes on every part of the astral plane and knows where everyone is. And I really liked how this episode was broken up into three really great story plots, one being Syd going around trying to collect everyone, another was Cary, Melanie, and Oliver trying to fin a way out without anyone dying, and finally David is trying to regain control of his mind. I really liked the idea of the glasses Syd got helped show the truth from all the illusions. I still want to know what happened to The Eye that he went all crazy and who is he, but with how this episode ended it is very unlikely we will know that. And I loved when part of this episode kind of went into a silent movie style with text coming in instead of them actually talking when Kerry and Syd had to face the monster. And I loved the scene where David comes up a way to escape and get his mind back but also works through what is true in his life through a bunch of chalkboard drawings. I liked that they kind of hinted at and confirmed that Professor X is David's father, so I'm excited to see what they will do there. The final reveal of the monster in David's head being the Shadow King is kind of cool and I can't wait to see where they will go with that. And just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode to watch and I can't wait to see what they will do for the season finale.    

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