Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Scorpion Season 3 Episode 19 "Monkey See, Monkey Poo" Review

To stop a dangerous virus from spreading, Team Scorpion must locate a rare endangered monkey in the Amazon that has the antibody for the cure. Also, Toby and Happy see a counselor.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that had a lot of really entertaining moments to it. I liked the whole side story of Toby and Happy getting a counselor that made Toby focus on all the negative moments with Happy and keep track of them all. And it was fun to see all those moments be counted out here and there while they are out on a mission. Then the actual mission was fun with them running around trying to catch this one monkey and how they eventually got it was really fun and I liked how if kept popping up once and a while to help out. Then it was really interesting how they found the cure for this virus not in the monkey but in what it eats and all the problems they came across trying to get the fruit. Then the moments with Sylvester and Ralph back at the garage were really fun moments to have thrown in there where they are looking for a caterpillar that bit Sylvester. And just overall this was a really fun and entertaining episode.

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