Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Flash Season 3 Episode 18 "Abra Kadabra" Review

The Flash fights a villain from Earth-19 called Abra Kadabra, who offers to reveal Savitar's identity in exchange for his release.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments in it. I really liked how they dealt with the decision of whether or not to free Kadabra in order to get information on Savitar. And I liked it because it really wasn't up to Barry but rather it was Joe just trying to protect his family and keep them all alive. It was really interesting how Gypsy played into the mix and when they finally gave a reason as to why she hates Kadabra so much. It was a little weird to me how the tried to keep what Kadabra was planning a secret when to me it was kind of obvious from the beginning that if he was from the future he would be working to try and get back there. I loved the whole team up with everyone with powers out in the city trying to stop Kadabra from returning to the future. I feel really bad for Caitlin and Julian in this episode with how many times they got hurt by Kadabra. But the moments with Caitlin in this episode were really great with her refusing to use her cold powers to heal herself so the rest of the team had to find ways to help her. And the ending where she finally had to give into her cold power was great and I'm excited to see what they will do next with her. And just overall this was a really great episode and I'm excited to see what they will do with Barry going into the future.      

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