Monday, March 6, 2017

Once Upon a Time Season 6 Episode 11 "Tougher Than the Rest" Review

With Snow still asleep in Storybrooke, David and Hook try to stop Gideon before he confronts Emma; Regina realizes that everyone is better off in the alternate world where the Evil Queen was defeated; Emma discovers the power to change her fate.

This was a really interesting episode that wasn't all that exciting but it was good for reintroducing everything since it has been quite a while since the last episode. I really enjoyed all the moments with Emma and Regina trying to escape the alternate world and all the different help they got in doing so. I really liked that they brought Pinocchio back because he is one of my favorite side characters and I liked that he had his own little story about gaining confidence and believing in yourself. Then I kind of like the thing that Emma realized in this episode which was if you believe hard enough anything can come true. Then bringing Robin Hood back I kind of have mixed feeling because I really like Robin Hood as a character but I also would kind of rather he stay dead because then there are fewer characters to jump between. And now we have to deal with him trying to fit into the life of the other Robin Hood, and that will just be a mess. The moments with David and Hook were interesting with their quest to save Emma. And Belle and Rumple trying to connect with their son was interesting with them seeming to have different plans in mind. But I do have to say overall this was a really interesting and okay episode to watch.        

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