Thursday, March 2, 2017

Legion Season 1 Episode 4 "Chapter 4" Review

David's in trouble, while his friends search for answers.

This was a really great episode that had some really interesting and entertaining moments it is as well as more great surprises. I really liked all the different narration that was going on in this episode from Syd narrating and not really being sure what is really and what is in David's mind to Dr. Baird narration at the beginning of this episode that was so good. I really liked seeing Syd, Ptonomy, and Kerry out searching for the truth about David and finding out some of the things in David's life are not real. And I really liked the idea that was brought up in this episode that David reimagined some of his memories to hide the truth even from himself. And just all the surprises that can along with David past were so good and I hope in the episodes to come some more truth will be reviled. Syd choosing to use her abilities to fight The Eye was fun with all the problems that arose from it. But I'm a little annoyed that they have yet to really explain what The Eye's power are because he isn't a character in the comics so he is a complete mystery and I want to know more about him. Then David being trapped in his own mind was very interesting with him meeting Dr. Baird and slowly going a little crazy. Then how he eventually got out of his mind and showed up to save his friends was really cool. And just overall this was a really cool and fun episode and now that only half of the first season remains I'm curious to see what they will do.

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