Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Arrow Season 5 Episode 15 "Fighting Fire with Fire" Review

When Vigilante attacks Oliver while he's acting as mayor, Diggle leads the team on a mission to stop Vigilante for good.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had some really great surprises that I loved so much. I liked that this whole episode had Oliver without being the Green Arrow because he realized how hard it would be to run around as the Green Arrow at that time. Then the Vigilante attacking Oliver because of the fact of what he did to protect the Green Arrow was really interesting but a little confusing of a plot point to bring the Vigilante back into the mix. I really loved all the fight scenes between the Vigilante and the rest of team Arrow. Especially the final fight scene between them where we got to see Curtis's new inventions. Then I had a strong feeling that Adrian was either going to end up being the Vigilante or Prometheus because he seemed to be getting a lot more screen time as of late and he just seemed a little off, and I'm happy I was right about that assumption. Then Oliver making the decision to come out and blame the death of the detective on the Green Arrow was a really interesting move and I'm curious to know how that will eventually all turn out for him. Thea in this was really interesting with her doing more and more terrible things to cover for Oliver and protect him. Then the ending for Felicity was interesting with her going and joining this hacker group that is obsessed with her. And that seems like a really interesting side story I want to see what they'll do with. And just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen in the next one.    

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