Thursday, March 16, 2017

Arrow Season 5 Episode 16 "Checkmate" Review

Oliver gets closer to the truth about Prometheus; Helix refuses to continue helping Felicity until she does a favor for them.

This was a really interesting and great episode that was very entertaining to watch but it went a little different than how I was expecting it to go. I really like that Oliver finally knows that Adrian is Prometheus and things can get moving a bit more there. But as soon as Oliver found out Adrian's personality seemed to fully change which was a little weird that he didn't seem to try and hide it from anyone anymore. Then bringing Talia back into the mix was fun with her being mad at Oliver for killing her father. But I really do agree with Oliver that she is such a smart person why would she ever side with Adrian even if Oliver killed her father. It was interesting in the scene where Oliver and John break into Adrian's house and find his wife and try and explain to her what is going on before the SCPD break in. And how Adrian's wife played the rest of this episode was interesting but I don't think it was all the necessary. The ending between Oliver and Arian was really great with them fighting before Talia came in to take Oliver away. I'm so excited to see what team arrow will do now the Oliver is missing and what they will do to get him back. And I want to know what Adrian truly wants Oliver for that he kept bringing up throughout this episode that he didn't want to kill him. All the moments with Felicity and Helix was interesting with the favor of favor system they are running on and I wonder how that might come to bite Felicity in the future. And just overall this was an entertaining and great episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.

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