Thursday, December 27, 2018

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 4 "Ahimsa" Review

Alex asks Lena and Brainiac to team up and help Supergirl; J'onn discovers new ways to help his fellow aliens after running into Manchester Black.
This was a really interesting episode that was a little confusing in its plot but it was still a really cool episode for all of what happened. Everything with Alex in this episode was interesting with her being under a lot of because of the kryptonite being in the atmosphere because of the device was stolen from the DEO. One part that bugged me was with Supergirl and how she refused to listen to Alex even after Alex explained some of the situations to Kara and yet after all that Kara didn’t listen and almost destroyed the suite and got herself killed. But it was also weird how Alex didn’t explain everything when telling Supergirl to stand down she could have said things like the “president and all these other people are telling me to tell you to relax and if you don’t I’ll get in trouble,” that would have made more sense in my mind. Instead, Alex goes and tells Supergirl to relax because she feels it is the best action, that is just less impactful and made it easy for Kara to not listen, and that kind of bugged me. It was interesting to see how Kara chose to fight in the suite because she really couldn’t use her powers besides flight and strength. Then everything with J'onn and Manchester was great with them working together to find there friend and how that all worked out was interesting and I’m really curious to see what Manchester will do next to get what he wants. Then the moments with Lena and Brainiac was fun with them working to get the kryptonite out of the atmosphere and seeing how each of them handles things was interesting. The other major part that bugged me was the Children of Liberty’s plan to make people more afraid. Where there plan involved creating alien attacks, in my mind how does that make sense because alien attacks happen a lot so why would these certain attacks make any difference for people. It was interesting to see what happened when James chose to step up and be Guardian again where he didn’t get in trouble for it but he was also praised by the anti-alien groups. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode to watch. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 8 "Sojourn" Review

Michael grows desperate when his warlock allies are slaughtered and enlists the help of unlikely allies in his quest to start the apocalypse.

This was a really interesting episode that was a little slow in how its plot was shown but also it was a nice episode to show more on how Michael ended the world. I really loved the opening scenes where Michael discovers that his allies are dead and the whole confutation between him and Cordelia was so interesting. Then the moments of Michael in the woods was interesting with what he hallucinated and I'm curious to fully know what all the different hallucinations meant. Then the Satanist was really weird with how dedicated they were to Michael even when they just met him. I did enjoy the jokes surrounding what the Satanist thought of as true evil vs what actually is. Then the introduction of Jeff and Mutt was interesting with how they helped Michael and created a new and better Ms. Mead. Then just overall this was a really weird episode that was a little slow and boring but I'm really excited to see what will happen in the next episode now that Michael is gearing up to end the world.  

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Midnight Texas Season 2 Episode 2 "The Monster of the Week Is Patriarchy" Review

Manfred investigates a gruesome murder in the hotel; Lem and Olivia's psychic connection drives a wedge between them; Bobo's life is put in danger.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that continued to do a good job of getting into the motions of what makes Midnight. Everything with Manfred and the hotel was interesting with him working to figure out what these murderous ghosts want and what he can do to free them. I really loved the moment where Manfred has both of the ghosts inside him explaining their sides of the story of what lead to there deaths and why are they angry. Then everything with Lem and Olivia was interesting with this eager girl wanting to become a vampire and finding a way to make that happen by tricking Lem. Then just the whole hunt down moment with Lem and Olivia was great with how it was all shown and done with Lem having to use the little information he gathered to find where the girl might go next. Then the discovery that Kai can remove supernatural forces from people makes me really curious to see who might choose to be human again and who might fight against Kai because of what he can do. Then the moments with Fiji and Bobo were okay with them slowly discovering that something is going on but it kind of felt unimportant for the grander scheme of what is going on. Then just overall this was a really fun episode and I'm curious to see what will happen next.    

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 2 "Witch Hunt" Review

When the magical Time Seismograph goes off, the team finds themselves headed to the Salem witch trials. Sara notices that Zari is taking the case personally when she promises to save a mom, who is being accused of being a witch. However, the team quickly learns that there is a magical creature in the town creating problems they hadn't been expecting. Meanwhile, Nate and Ava work together to try to keep their Time Bureau funding by proving to them that magic exists.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that had an entertaining story to it. Everything around the witch hunting was really interesting with them bringing up Jane Hawthorne and what happened to her and the legends have to decide whether they should interfere with this major event. I do wish they would have gone into more detail on what happened to Salem afterward because they somewhat proved the existence of magic and let Jane go so Salem didn't burn down so what effects did those changed have on Salem or did nothing change. Then the introduction of the fairy godmother was really great with the rules they set up when John couldn't just ban her to hell without banishing the girl the fairy godmother is connected to as well. So how they managed to get Prudence to reject her fairy godmother and fix the mistakes she made was all interesting. Then the conversation between John and the fairy godmother was really exciting where the godmother refused to work for John and said that hell would be better than fight what is coming for John, and that makes me really excited to know what it is that is coming for John. Then the moments with Nate and Ava working to prove that magic exists to Nate's father were so much fun with how they used Ray to do so and how the relationship between Nate and his father grew because of this discovery of what Nate does. I really do hope that Nate doesn't leave the team to join the bureau because he is one of my more favorite characters so I don't want him to disappear into more of a side character. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.  

The Flash Season 5 Episode 4 "News Flash" Review

Barry and Iris face the ultimate parenting test when Team Flash battles Spin, a savvy millennial armed with meta tech, and a dangerous agenda for their daughter, Nora. Ralph is feeling defeated until unlikely source issues a challenge to help boost his confidence.

This was a really interesting and fun episode that I really enjoyed how it introduced a new kind of meta-human. Everything around Spencer was really great with her using her meta-human phone to help boost her popularity by making the new happen based on what she wrote and hypnotizing people into making the events happen. It was really interesting on how Spencer put a heavy focus on boosting up XS and how she did it by tearing down The Flash. I just didn't get how she thought it would be good to have XS kill The Flash, how would her story make it seem like XS is the hero. Then the big reveal of why Nora doesn't like Iris was a big surprise and really interesting where Iris chose to hide Nora's powers her whole life. Now I'm just really curious to know what happened six months ago in Nora's life that caused her to discover her hidden powers. Then the discoveries with Cicada were interesting with Ralph looking into the masks and Sherloque finding out that Cicada has a bad lung due to the satellite explosion. And it was really great how the two of them just barely missed Cicada when they went to ask some questions. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and great episode that had an interesting story to it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 6 "Anthropocene" Review

The pressure is on as Max takes on his first annual fundraising gala at the hospital and emotions are high as some of the doctor's families join them for the event. Iggy struggles to break difficult news to his daughter and Bloom and Reynolds continue to deal with the fallout of their argument. Meanwhile, Kapoor and Dr. Sharpe work together to find out what is making a father and son duo so sick.

This was a really interesting episode that didn't have a lot to it, it was mostly about just a lot of small moments playing out simultaneously. Everything with Max was nice with how his work was somewhat of divided in this episode. When it came to the fundraiser it was weird how they chose to make Max's secret weapon a mystery when it was easily Georgia, it was nice to see how Georgia did her work to help Max though where she showed him off to donors by stating how instead of being there talking to people Max is out there being a doctor. Then everything with Max and Reynolds was some of the better parts of this episode where they are dealing with cases at the prison where prisoners are being drugged to be more compliant. And how Reynolds found all this out and got evidence together to hold the right people responsible was really great rather than seeing him get into fights he didn't need to which was his first actions. Then Bloom setting up Reynolds with someone new was an interesting way for her to get over him and know that he won't be coming back for a while. Then Iggy dealing with his family was some nice small moments in this episode where he had to explain to his daughter that there normally is not the same normal for others and how that all works and that was just really interesting to see. Then the bigger side story with Kapoor and Sharpe was a very entertaining story with this father and son having this mysterious illness that no test can figure out. Then the truth of what this illness was and why it was hard to find was really interesting where it was an older version of a common illness that the machines couldn't pick up because the machines were so up to date with the newer stains they forgot the older ones. Then just overall this was a really nice episode with a bunch of small interesting stories.  

Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 6 "Death Is Only Temporary" Review

An aging tycoon asks Magnum to find his lost love, who supposedly died 30 years ago; Rick and TC meet an injured fellow vet who is having a hard time adjusting to civilian life.

This was a really great and entertaining episode that had so many fun moments and it was just really interesting to see how everything played out. Everything with the case was really interesting with how the tycoon got this message from a lost love and he hires Magnum to see whether this truly is the women or if it is just spam. Then how the actual people planned out to hide from the cameras and use just the right amount of information to prove themselves as this women was really great especially with how they stumbled upon this information on this women by finding her dead body. Then the actual murder of this women was interesting where she leaves but tried to get back in contact with the tycoon when she discovers she is pregnant but the friend of the tycoon drives her away because the tycoon just recently married the fiend's sister. And a course the murdered women and the friend get into a fight leading to an accident and she dies and the friend decided to cover it up and hide her body. Then how Higgins played into all this was nice with her being the support for the tycoon whenever his dementia started to act up. Then everything with Rick and TC was some really great moments where they were trying to befriend this other vet and the vet just wanted none of it and he thought no one would fully understand. And all the conversations between all of them was so interesting with them talking about how you never fully get over the trauma you just learn to work past it. Then what TC decided to do for the vet was a nice way to end their story where TC offered the vet a mechanic job similar to that the vet wanted before going to war. Then just overall this was a really great episode that had so many entertaining moments to it. 

Monday, November 19, 2018

Charmed Season 1 Episode 3 "Sweet Tooth" Review

The sisters are put through witch lessons, but when Macy learns of a mysterious death in her lab, she informs her sisters and together they devise a plan to suss out the demon.

This was a really interesting episode that defiantly had some nice moments to it. Everything around the Harbinger was interesting with the girls discovering that it has a weird reaction to sweets so they decide to try and find it by handing out a lot of really sugary treats. Then the whole conversation between Mel and Angela was interesting with what it revealed about there relationship. Then everything on Halloween night involving the Harbinger was really fun because it stopped trying to hide and everyone just believed it was a really great costume which was so much fun. Everything with Maggie was fun with her deciding to throw her sororities Halloween party at her place and she decided to use magic to make things look perfect. It was really fun to then see the side effect of Maggie using all this magic when bad things started to happen to counteract all the good. Then everything with Macy was interesting with her revealing the some of her backstory and why she has a hard time making friends with others. The only major part that bugged me in this episode was how Mel chose to stop the Harbinger by using this really powerful spell that almost killed both of her sisters, to me that was such a dumb and horrible move I just don't see why she would ever think it was a good idea. Then just overall this was a really entertaining episode that had some really nice moments to it.  

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 3 "Man of Steel" Review

The story of how Ben Lockwood became Agent Liberty is told.

This was a really great episode that was so interesting and fun to watch and I really loved how they just only focused on the villain and how he got there. I really enjoyed seeing Ben's whole story where at first he wanted to work alongside aliens but after so many times of aliens ruining his life and not being held accountable for it he finally snapped and that was just amazing to see those gradual shifts as time went on. It was especially great to see that one major turning point for him which was when the Daxomites attacked and during the fight, Ben's family house got burned down and they lost everything, it was just great to see that shift in his attitude from that point on. Then seeing his gradual growth in followers around his anti-alien agenda was really interesting especially with how the Graves fit into that. Everything with Lena was also really interesting where she cut off the Lockwood family from her work going with a different steel company instead and that being a defining decision that causes the family to begin to spiral. Then Ben and Lena's whole conversation at the funeral was just a great moment to show how much Ben had changed. Then just overall this was a really interesting and entertaining episode and I'm very curious to see what they're going to do next now that Supergirl is stuck in that suit. 

Midnight Texas Season 2 Episode 1 "Head Games" Review

A new hotel rocks the Midnighters stability; Manfred deals with the consequences of 'taking-in' six demons.

This was a really great and interesting first episode that had so many great moments and it did a nice job of setting up some events to come. Everything around the new hotel was really interesting with the Midnighters not being sure what to think about the new owners especially when it is revealed that one of the owners Kai has the ability to heal people. Then the whole relationship problems in this episode was a little weird and boring where Olivia and Lamb are dealing with there phycological connection getting in the way of them being there own person and Bobo and Fiji dealing with what to do in their blossoming relationship. Then everything with Manfred in this episode was some of the best moments where he is dealing with these weird blackout sleepwalking moments where it appears like he is planning on killing his friends. The return of Manfred's grandmother was also a nice touch in this episode to have someone on his side helping him out and the eventual truth that she was just a hallucination due to the sickness affecting him was so great. But I do wish that his grandmother would come back somehow because she was really great last season with her commentary that helped out Manfred ever now and again. And the actual thing affecting Manfred was interesting where he had this weird almost darkness cancer that was growing in him as an after effect of taking in all those demons and the cancer is spreading quickly and will soon kill him. Then how that rest of the Midnighters actually figured out what was going on with Manfred and how they managed to find a way to help him was all really well done in how it was shown. Then I'm really curious to see what will happen now that Creek has left because for the most part she was the only real human in the town and that was really entertaining to me. And just overall this was a really great first episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next. 

Friday, November 16, 2018

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 7 "Traitor" Review

With her powers waning, Cordelia enlists the help of Coco to bring justice for the coven and take the first step in stopping Michael.

This was a really interesting episode that had a lot of really great moments to it and it was so much fun to watch and see how everything worked out. It was really interesting how this episode just focused on the witches and how they planned and plotted to stop Michael. I really loved what they did with Bubbles in this episode and the introduction conversation between Bubbles and Madison was really great and I loved the tie back to the killer Santa from season 2 in Bubbles film that she is working on. Then the scene with Bubbles and Myrtle looking into what the Warlocks were planning was really great with them having this dinner to converse and have Bubbles read the Warlocks mind and they did such a great job of keeping the attention away from Bubbles as she worked. Then the moments with Cordelia was really great with her attempting to make a deal with Papa Legba to trap Michael but not going through with it because she doesn't want to sacrifice her girls. but I'm curious to see if Papa Legba will come back at some point when the other witches do all die at the hands of Michael. Then It was interesting how they finally chose Mallory as the new supreme but I do wish they would have shown her going through all the seven wonders because all they really showed was one when she used vitalum vitalis when she brought John Henry back. Yes, I could see them doing a bit of a combination of the Seven Wonders in her bringing John Henry back but still I would have liked to see it individually. Then everything around the Warlocks and them creating a plan to stop the witches were fun with how it was all shown and it made it funnier with how the witches stopped it. Then everything with Coco was just funny with her powers growing and Cordelia asking her to help track down Ms. Mead was great with them essentially using Coco as the decoy to distract Ms. Mead. The whole burning ceremony was really great with how they stuck to traditions on how a witch can't kill a warlock so John Henry stepping in to run the show was really fun. Then just overall this was a really fun episode and I can't wait to see what will happen next.   

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Riverdale Season 3 Episode 3 "Chapter Thirty-Eight: As Above, So Below" Review

Suspicious roadblocks threaten to delay the opening of the speakeasy; Betty and Jughead follow different leads; Archie is forced to make a difficult decision.

This was a really interesting and great episode that had a lot of entertaining moments to it and for a lot of the future. Everything with Archie was interesting with him having to join this prison fight club in order to not get into more trouble. And I found it really interesting how they showed his development by having him do his first fight by trying to get it over with as fast as possible then he learned to put on more of a show to be able to impress people more. I'm also very interested to see what they're going to do in the episodes to come now that Archie is planning to escape and I'm curious to see what will happen once they do escape or once I get caught trying to. Then everything with Betty and Jughead was interesting with them looking more into this mysterious game and how they both made new discoveries was really great. I enjoyed the moment with Jughead approaching Ethel about joining the game and Ethel made the comment that he could but that he could but that he would never be worthy I just thought that was a really funny sort of moment that made me laugh. And all the moments with Jughead actually playing the was really interesting to see what it was like and I'm curious to see what happened now the manuals for the game have gotten out. With Betty, it was interesting to see her finally looking into the farm more and trying to figure what they're all about and discovering some new secrets about her mother and her mother's connection to the game. Veronica's moments in this episode where not all that important but they were interesting to see her opening up this little area that everyone can hang out in and I just think it's a very interesting way to get all the characters together in one place in the future and to see how all the side characters fit into this new speakeasy makes me excited to see what they will do with them in the future. Then just overall this was a really interesting episode and I'm really excited to see what's can happen in the next episode now that it's going to be about what the parents were like when they were teenagers.

Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 Episode 1 "The Virgin Gary" Review

After the Legends defeated Mallus and wiped the final anachronism from time they find themselves in unfamiliar territory with the Time Bureau. All that changes when Constantine informs Sara of a new magical threat that leads the team to Woodstock. Constantine thinks he knows how to defeat the new threat but will need the help of the team and their special klepto talents to help with his spell. Meanwhile, Nate and Rory go on an adventure leaving Nate facing someone from his past.

This was a really fun and great first episode for the season that did a nice job of setting up what is to come. I really enjoyed how they reintroduced all of the main characters and plotted out more development for them especially for Nate in this episode you got to meet a bit more of him with the introduction of his family and seeing what his relationship is like with them and sort of where he came from. Which is something that's really interesting and I'm very curious to see how all that's going to work out going forward. Then everything with Sarah and Ava was really great with their relationship developing and but Sarah's worried about the secrets that she's keeping and how that might affect their relationship especially when John shows up. I just really enjoyed how each of the members discovers the problem at Woodstock and how they all arrive there pretty simultaneously. Then the main villain in this episode was really great with it being a unicorn and how unicorns aren't like we expect them to be where they are actually really evil and want to eat your heart. How Sarah managed to convince John to help out was really great where it was him against it until he discovers that they're fighting a unicorn and then he got really excited that was just a fun little moment. I also really loved how in order to stop the unicorn they had to collect a bunch of items from some of the more famous people that were at Woodstock I just thought that was a really great way to show off some of the people. Then how they actually stop the unicorn by needing Garry's help was such an interesting moment where they need him because of the fact that he was only one that was a virgin and that would help. Then how is episode ended was really interesting and I'm very curious to know what this big threat is that's coming after John and how he's going to ride with the Legends now he that he's running away to them. Then just overall this was a really great first episode and I'm really curious and excited to see what's going to happen next.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 5 "Cavitation" Review

A journalist visits New Amsterdam to shadow Max and learns about the hospital. Bloom and Reynolds have a major disagreement after she makes a call against protocol and Kapoor deals with issues from his past.

This was a really great episode that had some very good moments to it and t was interesting to see how everything turned out. I really loved how this episode started and set things up by making it seem like this episode was going to end on a bad note which more or less it kind of did but not in the way I initially thought it would. Everything with the journalist was interesting with Max not telling him what story Max wanted him to tell but a verity of stories keep popping up that are not the stories Max wants to be told. Then the truth coming out that Max was the one who hired the journalist and not the head of the hospital was an interesting moment especially with Max saying it was because Max only trusted him to tell the truth Max wanted out there. Then everything around Bloom and her choosing to perform a surgery that was illegal for her to perform because it was such a precise procedure that one wrong move could kill someone was interesting with how it affected her relationship with Reynolds but also kind of weird because she didn't seem to get punished for her action because it turns out she didn't get it wrong. Then everything with Frome was interesting with him working with one of the shooting victims aunts and him slowly discovering that he shouldn't be focusing on the unconscious victim's mental health right now but the mental health of the aunt. Then the other victims bother was so well done and interesting with him being treated with a lot of hostility at first but then his whole story and what happened to his bother was probably my favorite moments in this episode. Then the moments with Kapoor in this episode were good to finally meet his son and see a small bit of the conflict between them that drew them apart. Then just overall this was a really good episode that was interesting to watch.  

The Flash Season 5 Episode 3 "The Death of Vibe" Review

Following Cicada's attack on the Flash, Nora comes up with a plan that puts a member of the team in danger.

This was a really interesting episode that had some great moments to it and it did a great job moving a lot of the storylines forward and bring some new truth out around Cicada. I really loved the introduction of this new Sherlock Well's and how they hired him because he has tracked down Cicada hundreds of time before was great and I can't wait to see what they will do with him in order for him to pay off his debt he owns to Team Flash. Then I enjoyed how because Nora messed with the timeline by helping Barry that caused this Cicada to be different than the Cicada from hundreds of other timelines. And how Nora was so unwilling to believe that Cicada had changed because of her actions was interesting and I'm very curious to know how involved Cicada is in actions in the future and what that might lead to Barry's disappearance. Then the whole interrogation scene between Joe and Cicada was interesting but also kind of weird in my mind with how Cicada made the jump of how Joe must know Vibe because they always are in the same crimes together, but Joe is the head of the Metahuman crime division so of course Joe would be around things involving Metahumans. But still the whole scene involving Cicada and Joe was great and it was interesting to see how Cecile played into giving Cicada what he wanted and I'm interested to see how the hint that Cicada might be a father will play out in uncovering who Cicada is. Then the whole fight scene between Cicada, Vibe, and Flash was great especially with how XS came up with a way end up saving Vibe. Then everything with Catiline and Ralph was great with all the little hints and tricks that lead to more truths about Catiline's father. And I liked how Catiline found the truth through these puzzles she and her father did and how these puzzles had science involved in them I just thought that was a fun way to chime into Catiline's science childhood. Them just overall this was a great episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next.    

Manifest Season 1 Episode 5 "Connecting Flights" Review

Stories unfold for those left behind in the aftermath of Flight 828's disappearance; Cal takes Ben on a mysterious adventure.

This was a really interesting episode that had a lot of really good moments to it. I really enjoyed this episode focused on what life was like for the family and friends of those who went missing on Flight 828. Everything with Grace and Olive was well done with them telling the story of how they dealt with there loss and how Grace started to move on with Danny and Olive refusing to believe that her brother and father were dead. I do wish they would have shown more of Olive's "bad attitudes" because the last episode they made a big deal out of Olive being a trouble and rambunctious teen but all they really showed in this episode was that she was having a hard time getting over her families deaths and she didn't much care for Grace's new boyfriend. Then I also enjoyed seeing how Jared and Lourdes got together because of there shared loss and it was fun to see how even Michaela's parents were okay with Jared choosing to move on. Then the moments in current time with Jared were interesting with him dealing with the consequences of the last episode and Michaela and other are trying to convince him to tell the truth but him not willing to let Michaela take the fall. Then the moments with Ben and Cal were great with Ben deciding to ignore the voice in his head and making all the choices in his day out with Cal by a flip of a coin. Then how those coin flips and voice all leading to some truths of what is going on with Cal and how "everything is connected" was a really great way to bring Ben back into the world he was trying to escape from. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm interested to see what will happen next with it being reviled that Cal is more connected with the truth of what happened to them.

Magnum P.I. Season 1 Episode 5 "Sudden Death" Review

TC asks Magnum to take on a case to help acquit the father of one of his young football players who is accused of murder.

This was a really interesting episode that had a lot of good moments to it and had a bunch of unexpected twists and turns. Everything around Magnum and TC in this episode was really great with the emotional roller-coaster they went on in this episode, and I also enjoyed it for the little bit of backstory we got around TC. Which was interesting seeing the development of TC with the discovery that his father was guilty of murder and went to prison because of it so TC had to learn to survive on his own until his dad was freed. Then Magnum and TC's relationship being tested went evidence comes up possibly linking Hani to the murder and Magnum is conflicted on whether to go to the police was such a great moment and so well done. And I just found it interesting how they chose to frame things and shoot scenes where it was done in a way that made each suspect seem guilty until things came up proving them innocent to some degree. Then the true story of what lead up to the murder and who the murderer was all was a great sort of secret story in this episode where the truth involved a scorned lover who thought that her husband was cheating on her with his work partner. Then how Magnum found that out was so interesting to see. Everything around the MMA fighter and him going after his bad drug dealers was just really odd and kind of unnecessary to this episode and it just made very little sense besides proving another suspect besides Hani. Then everything with Higgin's in this episode was interesting with her dealing with Makoa while Magnum and TC try and save his dad and it was just really fun to see her try and deal with a kid. Then just overall this was a really great and interesting episode that had some good moments to it. 

Friday, November 2, 2018

Charmed Season 1 Episode 2 "Let This Mother Out" Review

After getting a message from the spirit board to not trust Harry, the sisters are conflicted and ultimately concoct a plan.

This was a really interesting episode that was really entertaining to see how everything played out. It was kind of annoying to see how the sisters continued to refuse to work together and decide to create a majority rules style of doing things but them none of them choose to follow the majority when they were the odd one out. It was fun to see them create a truth serum to try and figure out more information on Harry and see what he has planned. Then I also enjoyed how the girls were afraid to say Harry's name because every time they did he would pop up so all the silly little nicknames they used for him instead was fun. And it was interesting how they chose to show the truth serum where it accidentally got in the hands of Mel's girlfriend instead of Harry and all the secrets that Mel found out from her girlfriend and I found it interesting how Mel was willing to set aside the information she learned because it was information that she wasn't supposed to know. Then everything else in this episode with Mel was kind of annoying with her refusing to listen to her sister and deciding to contact the possible spirit of her mother and then she was just really annoying with how she bossed the rest of her sisters around and refused to listen to them and made pretty much all the mistakes in this episode. Then everything with Macy was interesting with her being the one to notice the new threat coming for them and all her interactions with Harry were interesting. Then Maggie in this episode was great by the end of this episode where her powers did come in handy to help defer between her mother and the monster even though her sister refused to listen to her. Then the prism that was introduced in this episode seems like it will be a big problem in the future because why aren't the monsters going after this prism to steal the girl's powers instead of going after the girls and failing because the girls are more powerful than the monster. Then just overall this was a really interesting episode and it was really entertaining to watch. 

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 2 "Fallout" Review

When a shocking revelation brings chaos to National City, Supergirl sets out to capture Mercy Graves.

This was a really interesting and great episode that had a lot of really good moments to it. I really enjoyed the moments of somewhat of organized chaos where everyone is freaking out about who might be an alien or not. Then everything around Mercy's plan for this episode was interesting with her attacking the alien's image inducers to reveal more aliens to the public. And I really enjoyed the scenes with Kara being stuck in L Corp when Mercy attacks and not being able to escape Lena long enough to change into Supergirl, it was just really funny and made some really great moments of her hiding her powers from Lena. Then Mercy's escape from the DEO with her bother was so interesting because the managed to use their words to influence and create mistrust in a DEO agent Jensen. Then everything with Brainiac-5 was really interesting with him being one of the people who was affected by the image inducer hack and having to face the prejudice face on and seeing how people are more then what you know them as. I'm very curious in that scene where Nia arrived to help out Brainiac-5 was them showing Nia's powers of foresight for the first time or if they are showing it as her fighting against injustice different then the injustice and prejudice she has face her whole life or both. Then the moments with Nia and James was interesting with James being hesitant on whether or not to share his opinion on alien rights and make CatCo pick a side in the fight. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next with the atmosphere being irritated with Kryptonite and affecting Kara.      

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 6 "Return to Murder House" Review

After being sent to the "Murder House" to gather information on Langdon's past, Madison and Behold discover a horrifying secret about the next Supreme.

This was such an amazing and great episode that was so entertaining to watch and I just loved it so much. The episode did an amazing job of telling its own story as well as bringing back a lot of the unresolved elements from the murder house season. Everything around Moria was really great with her finally getting her happy ending and escaping the murder house and being reunited with her family. Then I really loved how they told the story of how Michael's life was like growing up and how his relationship with Constance and the rest of his murder house family ended. I also found it interesting how they chose to explain Michael's sudden change in age where overnight he went from being eight to eighteen because it was finally time for him to start his work ending the world. Everything around Michael and Ben was really great with Ben actually trying to give Michael a chance to be a kid and be good but over time Michael's evil nature took over more and more and Ben chose to give up on Michael which was just sad. Then Vivien choosing to try and kill Michael was interesting with how they chose to show it. And the church of Satin showing up after following all the signs that Michael was putting out was a really interesting way for them to make the full connection between Michael and his father as well as introduce Ms. Mead to Michael. Then the storyline around Tate and Violet was interesting and weird with them deciding to explain way all of Tate's action on the evilness in the house and that Tate is relatively fine now because all that evilness left with Michael. That seems like such a weak way to try and make Tate's actions seem okay and make it okay for Violet to love Tate again. I do like how strong-willed Violet was that she was willing to hold up her side and keeping ignoring Tate all these years until the end of this episode. Then just overall this was a really amazing and well-done episode that was so much fun to watch and see how everything turned out and I'm so excited to see what will happen next.

Riverdale Season 3 Episode 2 "Chapter Thirty-Seven: Fortune and Men's Eyes" Review

After a gruesome discovery is made in the forest, Jughead and Betty team up to investigate; Archie navigates his new surroundings.

This was a really interesting and entertaining episode that had a lot of really great moments to it. Everything with Archie was interesting with him getting adjusted to life in the detention center and not knowing where he should fit in. I really enjoyed them bringing back Joaquin to cause Archie to not fit in with the Serpents because Joaquin was using how Archie was in season one. Then how Archie got to fit in was interesting with him setting up a football game for different members to fight in a more organized way. Then the ending for this episode was interesting with Archie's cellmate disappearing and Archie having to step up to take his roll in this prison. Then everything with Veronica was interesting with her doing exactly what Archie told her not to do which is that she is trying to set up and waiting for Archie to return. Then Betty and Jughead in this episode were interesting with them looking into this mysterious game that is causing people to die and how all the different people playing the game fit together was interesting. Then Ethel being a part of this game makes me really excited to see what they're going to do with her and her roll in messing with Betty and Jughead. Then just overall this was a really interesting setup episode that makes me really excited to see what they're going to do next.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Flash Season 5 Episode 2 "Blocked " Review

Barry and Team Flash track down a meta that is stealing high-tech weapons, only to cross paths with a new foe named Cicada, who is hunting the very same meta, with nefarious intent.

This was a really interesting and great episode that was really fun to watch. I did find it interesting how they decided to tell the rest of Team Flash Nora's secret right away at the beginning of this episode. And I found it interesting how the team just accepted that as okay that Nora is around because she wants to get to know her father because he has been missing her whole life. The character Blocked I found really kind of weird and a little unnecessary to the main part of what this episode was about. I did really enjoy her powers though where she was able to create this field of super-dense matter that a person couldn't escape from and the matter can keep shrinking in on a person until it crushes them into a small cube. I did really enjoy how they introduced the possible main villain for the season in a bit of a different way by having Iris looking into the death of Gridlock and then when Cicada finally did approach The Flash Iris knew how dangerous his is and was able to warn Barry ahead of time, I just found that a really interesting and almost unique way to bring in the villain. Everything with Barry and Nora was great with them getting to know each other more and Barry working to train Nora to be a more skilled hero. I especially loved the scene with Barry going to get parental advice from Joe and Joe makes the comparison of Nora to Barry and sharing that all Nora is trying to do is impress Barry. Then the side story in this episode was really great with Catlin and Ralph working to help Cisco get over Gypsy. And it was so much fun to see how they weaved through Ralph's 100 step plan to get over a woman. Then the moments where they looking into more information about Catlin's father was a little weak because the vision they saw just told her to talk to her mother which was a little weak in my mind. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next.   

Thursday, October 25, 2018

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 4 "Boundaries" Review

When Max volunteers New Amsterdam to take over for a short-staffed hospital nearby, things get chaotic quickly. Iggy has a crisis of conscience after receiving the news that funding for a garden has been granted and an eager resident learns a secret about Dr. Bloom.

This was a really great episode that did a really great job with organized chaos and keeping everything in each individual story so that it makes sense. I enjoyed everything with Max and him trying to help this homeless women and her bother outside of the hospital as well as trying to run a hospital after volunteering to help out a neighboring hospital. Then Dr. Bloom was great in this episode with her being in charge of all the chaos because Max is missing for a good part of the episode. And the revile that her resident has been accidentally taking her ADHD medication was great with her figuring out why he is acting so hipper and up for anything. Dr. Kapoor was the fun part of this episode with all the other doctor weighing in on whether or not he should give these treats he made to the nice coffee maker who helped him in the last episode. Dr. Sharpe was a great side story in this episode outside of all the chaos going on with everyone else because her story was just about her having to tell this child that her cancer is back and trying to explain to this little girl what death is like. And I really enjoyed that with how she went about explaining it in a way that comforted both the little girl and her parents. Dr. Frome was great in this episode with him dealing with this influx of patients needing entertainment and he doesn't want to open the newly funded garden to them because it is being funded by a soda company. So him dealing with that conflict of what to do was interesting to see with how each side of that conflict was presented. Then the moments between him and Jemma were great with the possibility of Jemma getting placed in a new home and Jemma being hesitant about that. Dr. Reynolds was interesting in this episode with him being backed up on surgeries to perform but he is hesitant to give some of the surgeries to his resident because he is afraid of something going wrong. But it was great by the end of the episode where he was forced to be more open and the way he went about doing that really showed the growth of him as a character. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and well-done episode.         

Manifest Season 1 Episode 4 "Unclaimed Baggage" Review

Saanvi enlists Ben's help in uncovering a secret about the plane; Michaela begins to question the nature of the callings when one goes horribly awry.

This was a really great episode that had a lot of really great moments to it and it was really interesting to see how everything played out. Everything with Ben was interesting with him continuing to try and grow a relationship with Olive and her not knowing where they stand. Then the scene with Ben finally meeting Danny was a great way to finally introduce Danny and it really shows the divide in the family with how much Danny has always been there for Olive. Then the moments with Michaela were interesting with one of the voices in her head finally going wrong and she ends up outing a major undercover agent. Then the fact that Jared took the blame for her was interesting and I wonder what she is going to do to save him. I really enjoyed the ending scene with Jared having this map that laid out all the locations of Michaela's odd behaviors. Then the shared visions between Saanvi and Michaela were interesting in how they were similar and how they were different with Saanvi seeing a woman who was soaking wet and she followed the wet footprints to where she needed to go. Then Michaela seeing a stone angel giving her a quest to save him also leading her to where she needed to go eventually catching up with Saanvi. The whole story around the stowaway was so great with the flight attendant bringing him from Jamaica after he spoke out against the government. But he was a stowaway so when they landed he had to hide and escape from the authorities so he didn't know that they were 4 years in the future and when a stranger found him they thought he was crazy which is so sad that he was hospitalized and heavily drugged because he was uninformed about what is going on. The whole escape to save the stowaway from the NSA was really great with how they all barely missed each other. Then overall this was a really great and I'm really curious to see what will happen next with how this episode ended.           

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Charmed Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot" Review

After the tragic death of their mother, Mel and Maggie learn they have an older sister, Macy, and discover they all exhibit impossible new abilities.

This was a really great first episode that did a nice job of setting everything up for the series and showing how everything works.

For me, there are some challenges watching this series because I enjoyed the original series so much and I have such a hard time not comparing the two series. Which is something that shouldn't be done because from what this episode showed the two series will be very different, but still there are some things I liked better in this original series and something I liked better in this series.

One thing I liked better in the original series was what the youngest sisters main power were where in the original series the youngest sister had the power to see the future wherein this new series she has the power to read people's minds. And I feel seeing the future would be a way more helpful power in fighting supernatural creatures, but maybe the episodes to come will help to show how Maggie being able to read others minds will be helpful to there fight.

But then something I loved in this series over the original is how the girls didn't know each other very well at the start so there is a bit more of a story around them trying to work together. and how each of the girls is working to live there own lives separate from each other but they are also still really close together. Then I loved how much Macy is using science to help understand her magic, I just think that is a cool line to navigate between magic and science and her using science to better understand the magical spells.

Harry is a really cool new character that I enjoy having around to help the girls grow there magical were as in the original series the girls were kind of given a book and told to figure out everything themselves. I am very curious to see if Harry truly is a good guy wanting to work and help the girls or if he is a lurking villain to be reviled by the end of the season.

I'm a little disappointed in how simple the plot of this episode seemed to be where you could easily tell who was bad and who was good right from there introduction. But I am willing to forgive that a bit because this is a pilot episode so it is more about introducing the characters and showing off the girls skills more then it is about an actual story. So as long as the other episodes to the villains a bit better I'm willing to forget this episode.

Then just overall this was a really great episode that had a bunch of interesting moments to it and I'm really excited to see where the story will go from here.

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 1 "American Alien" Review

Supergirl is called into action when remnants of Cadmus attempt to assassinate pro-alien leaders, but their endgame turns out to be more sinister than she thinks.

This was a really great first episode that did a great job of cleaning up what happened last season as well as building up what will happen this season.

I really loved how so far this season there seems to be multiple main villains for the season because that was one thing that bugged me last season is how they so heavily focused on Reign right out of the gate by the end of the season they seemed to be running out of things to do involving Reign so it was becoming tiresome to watch her. But this season having multiple villains is a great idea because there is this group doing hate crimes on aliens to fill in for part of the season and make things seem more down to earth and local but then later they can bring in the evil Supergirl to fill in for other parts of the season and that is good to keep things fresh in my opinion.

I also loved the balance in this episode between the DEO and CatCo because last season they kind of forgot about CatCo so having a good balance is nice to navigate Kara’s life. The introduction of Nia was so great and I loved how they were willing to joke about how Nia is like season one Kara and current Kara is like Cat.

Then the relationship growth shown between Alex and Brainy was really great in this episode with them getting used to working together and also understand each other’s losses in missing people like Winn and the rest of the Legion.

Then J'onn in this episode was interesting with him working to leave his life as an agent but still feeling a need to investigate into wrongs he sees. Then I loved the scene where he and Supergirl are J'onn are talking and J'onn says how he can’t help her fight but he will always be there for her emotionally and in other aspects of her life.

Then just overall this was a really well done first episode and I can’t wait to see what will happen next after how this episode ended with the reveal of the President being an alien.        


Riverdale Season 3 Episode 1 "Chapter Thirty-Six: Labor Day" Review

As the jury begins deliberations in his murder trial, Archie makes a surprising request; Jughead leads the Serpents against the Ghoulies latest attack.

This was a very interesting episode that did a great job of setting up what is to come for the season and created a great level of mystery. I find it very weird how they talked about how Sabrina wasn't going to crossover with this season but that if hard to believe with how much magic and witchy stuff was going on in this episode. Then everything with Archie was really well done with the looming decision around his court case making him just done with everything and truly feeling that he is set to go to prison and he is trying to say his final goodbyes but no one is really willing to give up on him. And it was really great how he opposed everyone else's views and decided to go to the detention center in order to let the case end and so everything could just be over, but no one else is really willing to give up on proving him innocent. Then Jughead's moments in this episode were really great with him navigating the role of being the new head of the serpents, dealing with the Goolies, and dealing with Cheryl's out of control nature. And I loved how they brought all that to a head when they discover that Hotdog is being held captive by the Goolies and the serpents work to get him back. I am curious now to know if because of Jughead action what the Goolies are going to do to the North side to get their revenge. Then Betty dealing with her family was interesting with Betty dealing with her mother and sister's cult-like nature and them trying to get her to join them but Betty can see through the vale of what is going on. Then I'm curious to know with how this episode ended for Betty if what she saw her mother and sister doing was just a part of her seizure or if they are going to blame it on that. Then just overall this was a really great first episode that makes me really excited to see where this season will go.

Monday, October 22, 2018

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 5 "Boy Wonder" Review

After witnessing the Apocalypse, Cordelia must act quickly to stop Michael or face the end of days.

This was a really great episode that was so much fun to watch and see how everything played out. I loved everything around the seven wonders and the grace of how Michael worked through all of them. And the style that they decided to show the seven wonders in was great with them turning it into a black and white silent movie just in a nice job of showing off how Michael thought of doing the seven wonders as a fun game because it was so easy for him to do everything. Then the Descensum part was so great with Michael going into hell to free Misty, but a part of me does wish that we could have seen Michael’s personal hell if he has one. Then I loved how Cordelia somewhat of used the seven wonders to test to see if Michael’s is what he says he is. And I wonder if they are going to use Misty’s return as her passing the seven wonders as well because she did come back from Descendum as well. Then it was so great to see what Michael actually has planned and how he needs to kill the witches in order to complete it. Then it was also interesting how Ariel is willing to ignore all the signs showing the evilness of Michael in order to gain more power for himself. Then bringing Stevie Nicks back in this episode to celebrate Misty’s return was so beautiful and I want to know what they are planning when they decided to change some of the lyrics in her song Gypsy. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I can wait to see what will happen in the next episode since they are going back to the murder house.

The Flash Season 5 Episode 1 "Nora" Review

After an unexpected guest from the future appears at their home, Barry and Iris must figure out how to get her back to the future without disrupting the timeline.

This was a really great first episode that had a really interesting plot to it and did a great job of setting up for what might be to come. Everything with Nora was really great and it did a nice job of setting up her personality and making her a really entertaining character. I especially really liked Nora because she is a brand new character that the writers did a nice job of fitting her into the story seamlessly. Because she is inspired by the Tornado Twins but as far as I know she has never existed before this show. Then I loved how they brought the news article about the Flash going missing back into the show because it was something that was kind of forgot about and it was cool how they brought Nora into that storyline with her going into the past to get to know her father because he has been missing her whole life. Then everything with Gridlock was great with how his powers got stronger with his movements and how The Flash and EX managed to defeat him was really great with them stopping a major plane crash by working together. Then Ralph was the great comedic part to this episode with him working to discover all the things that the rest of the team already knows about the multiverse and time travel. Then the ending was great with the discovery by Ralph that Catlin's father might still be alive. Then the introduction of the big villain was really great with it showing a few his abilities in how he took down Gridlock and the cops trying to transport him. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm really excited to see how this season will go. 

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 3 "Every Last Minute" Review

Bloom treats an inmate from Rikers who is in a difficult position; Max gives a wealthy donor something to think about when he shows her the hospital; Reynolds begins to build his department; Sharpe battles skepticism from potential patients.

This was a really interesting and great episode that was a little weird in its storytelling but it still had some good moments to it. Everything with Max in this episode was interesting with him trying to balance his family life with his work life and how he dealt with the fact that he might lose his child forever. Then the inmate from Rikers was a great addition to the show with her being there as sort of another side to Max with him helping to deal with this other baby making him think about losing his own. Then the wealthy donor was an interesting addition to this episode with how she was very similar to Max but her husband was very selfish and loved money so she has to decide if she wants to follow her dead husband's wishes or if she would use the money to do what she wants. Then the moments with Dr. Sharpe was interesting with her dealing with patients that don't want to work with her because they don't feel she will be there for them to help. Then Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Frome were amazing in this episode with them dealing with a patient that believes that he is dead. And it was so interesting to see how that truth was slowly reviled and what things were shown to prove what is going on with this guy. Then just overall this was a really amazing and fun episode that had some very interesting moments to it. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Gifted Season 2 Episode 3 "coMplications" Review

The Inner Circle turns to an unexpected source for help when Polaris' baby suffers from a deadly illness.

This was a really great episode that had a lot of really entertaining moments to it but it also still kind of bugged me because this was again another setup episode that had no real pay off to it. Everything with Thunderbird and Blink was great with them looking for Eirc and getting stuck in this maze because the mutants don't want to be found. Then Blink deciding to help Eirc by spying for him was a great decision in my mind and it makes me really curious to see if eventually Eirc and the rest of his team will help the underground or if Blink will leave to join Eirc and his cause. Then Marco's getting kidnapped in order to help his child was great with how it was all done and what it might have reviled in Marco's saying that they are all under the Frost triplets control and if that is true then the Frost triplets are way more powerful then they originally showed off. The part that bugged me was Dawn's jaundice which was never talked about until this episode because that is a disease that should be known at birth and when she was born they said she was perfectly healthy so where did the jaundice come from. It did, however, lead to some great moments with Marco's being the only one to save his child and having to deal with the side of not wanting to be like his father but having to leave his baby behind or die. Then the moments with Reed and Lauren were great with Lauren finally seeing her fathers powers when he gets stressed out and then dealing with those consequences when they get in a car crash and have to hide from the police. Jace really bugged me in this episode with his hunt for the mutants that made no sense with how the last episode ended for him where he set his mutant-hunting side away to be there for his family and then in this episode he left his wife behind to hunt for the mutants, like where did that change happen. It was like the completely forgot last episode while they were writing this one and that makes no sense. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm curious to see where they will take things after what this episode set up.

Magnum PI Season 1 Episode 4 "Six Paintings, One Frame" Review

Magnum is arrested as the main suspect when a close friend of Higgins, an art connoisseur who recently hired Thomas to test his security, is murdered.

This was a really great episode that had such an interesting story to it but there were also some confusing parts that I'm still trying to work through to make it all make sense. Everything around who where the actual murders and how they were involved was the confusing part because from what I understand right now it went something like this. So the robbers actually worked for the victim and they set things up to make it look like they used Magnum's information to break in but actually, they just walked right in because they worked there. Then they stole six paintings but only actually wanted one which they got a forgery done on that one to return to the police with the other five paintings then they would sell that one painting for millions of dollars, but then one of them ended up turning on the others for unknown reasons and started killing them off even though he still needed some of them. And all of that was done really confusingly so that was hard to follow so I don't even know if everything I said was the true plot. But then the other part that bugged me was how the police treated Magnum where they told him that he was the lead suspect and then they never really did anything to stop him from looking into the case and steal evidence besides just giving him a slap on the wrist. Everything with TC and Rick was a great comedic part to the story where Rick discovered that TC is an art lover and Magnum and Rick never let that go and joke about how they were held in a prison together for 18 months but never figured this side of TC out. Then just overall this was a really great and entertaining episode that was a little confusing to follow but still great to watch. 

Manifest Season 1 Episode 3 "Turbulence" Review

Ben and Michaela investigate a shocking murder in fear that it's connected to Flight 828.

This was a great episode that was really interesting to see how everything played out, but it was also kind of messy by the end with how they chose to wrap everything up. Everything with Ben dealing with trying to protect his family while also trying to fit into Grace's life was interesting with how he reacted when things went wrong. Then the relationship between Cal and Olive was really great with them dealing with the concept of them being twins but not exactly because they now are not the same age, then the added pressure that Olive is now dating Cal's old best friend. The moments with Michaela were really great with them finally showing a bit more of what happened to her and her friend during the car crash. I especially love them showing the scene where it made it really obvious that Michaela had no choice to drive that night because her friend wouldn't wait for an uber and was going to drive if Michaela didn't and her friend was far drunker then she was. Then it was so well done in the scene where Michaela was able to get over her fear of driving in order to save her dead friend's mother. The whole murder sequence was really weird with how they made everything flow from who was accused of the murder, who was the main suspect, and who actually committed the crime. Where the guy accused was just someone who was obsessed with the passengers on Flight 828 and he was just there to save her life after he heard the gunshot. Then the husband of the women who was murdered seemed like a major suspect with the way he was acting but he had such a good alibi he couldn't have committed the crime. Then the maid being the actual murder because she was a scorned lover was the weirdest part because they did little set that up to make that part make sense because she was in love with the murdered woman's husband and they were happy together until the women came back and ruined their happiness and that is why the maid murdered her that is just a weird explanation. And I was really disappointed that they didn't go into more detail with the shadow person that was set up in the last episode. And then just overall this was a really great episode that had some good moments to it.