Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Charmed Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot" Review

After the tragic death of their mother, Mel and Maggie learn they have an older sister, Macy, and discover they all exhibit impossible new abilities.

This was a really great first episode that did a nice job of setting everything up for the series and showing how everything works.

For me, there are some challenges watching this series because I enjoyed the original series so much and I have such a hard time not comparing the two series. Which is something that shouldn't be done because from what this episode showed the two series will be very different, but still there are some things I liked better in this original series and something I liked better in this series.

One thing I liked better in the original series was what the youngest sisters main power were where in the original series the youngest sister had the power to see the future wherein this new series she has the power to read people's minds. And I feel seeing the future would be a way more helpful power in fighting supernatural creatures, but maybe the episodes to come will help to show how Maggie being able to read others minds will be helpful to there fight.

But then something I loved in this series over the original is how the girls didn't know each other very well at the start so there is a bit more of a story around them trying to work together. and how each of the girls is working to live there own lives separate from each other but they are also still really close together. Then I loved how much Macy is using science to help understand her magic, I just think that is a cool line to navigate between magic and science and her using science to better understand the magical spells.

Harry is a really cool new character that I enjoy having around to help the girls grow there magical were as in the original series the girls were kind of given a book and told to figure out everything themselves. I am very curious to see if Harry truly is a good guy wanting to work and help the girls or if he is a lurking villain to be reviled by the end of the season.

I'm a little disappointed in how simple the plot of this episode seemed to be where you could easily tell who was bad and who was good right from there introduction. But I am willing to forgive that a bit because this is a pilot episode so it is more about introducing the characters and showing off the girls skills more then it is about an actual story. So as long as the other episodes to the villains a bit better I'm willing to forget this episode.

Then just overall this was a really great episode that had a bunch of interesting moments to it and I'm really excited to see where the story will go from here.

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