Monday, October 22, 2018

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 5 "Boy Wonder" Review

After witnessing the Apocalypse, Cordelia must act quickly to stop Michael or face the end of days.

This was a really great episode that was so much fun to watch and see how everything played out. I loved everything around the seven wonders and the grace of how Michael worked through all of them. And the style that they decided to show the seven wonders in was great with them turning it into a black and white silent movie just in a nice job of showing off how Michael thought of doing the seven wonders as a fun game because it was so easy for him to do everything. Then the Descensum part was so great with Michael going into hell to free Misty, but a part of me does wish that we could have seen Michael’s personal hell if he has one. Then I loved how Cordelia somewhat of used the seven wonders to test to see if Michael’s is what he says he is. And I wonder if they are going to use Misty’s return as her passing the seven wonders as well because she did come back from Descendum as well. Then it was so great to see what Michael actually has planned and how he needs to kill the witches in order to complete it. Then it was also interesting how Ariel is willing to ignore all the signs showing the evilness of Michael in order to gain more power for himself. Then bringing Stevie Nicks back in this episode to celebrate Misty’s return was so beautiful and I want to know what they are planning when they decided to change some of the lyrics in her song Gypsy. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I can wait to see what will happen in the next episode since they are going back to the murder house.

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