Thursday, October 25, 2018

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 4 "Boundaries" Review

When Max volunteers New Amsterdam to take over for a short-staffed hospital nearby, things get chaotic quickly. Iggy has a crisis of conscience after receiving the news that funding for a garden has been granted and an eager resident learns a secret about Dr. Bloom.

This was a really great episode that did a really great job with organized chaos and keeping everything in each individual story so that it makes sense. I enjoyed everything with Max and him trying to help this homeless women and her bother outside of the hospital as well as trying to run a hospital after volunteering to help out a neighboring hospital. Then Dr. Bloom was great in this episode with her being in charge of all the chaos because Max is missing for a good part of the episode. And the revile that her resident has been accidentally taking her ADHD medication was great with her figuring out why he is acting so hipper and up for anything. Dr. Kapoor was the fun part of this episode with all the other doctor weighing in on whether or not he should give these treats he made to the nice coffee maker who helped him in the last episode. Dr. Sharpe was a great side story in this episode outside of all the chaos going on with everyone else because her story was just about her having to tell this child that her cancer is back and trying to explain to this little girl what death is like. And I really enjoyed that with how she went about explaining it in a way that comforted both the little girl and her parents. Dr. Frome was great in this episode with him dealing with this influx of patients needing entertainment and he doesn't want to open the newly funded garden to them because it is being funded by a soda company. So him dealing with that conflict of what to do was interesting to see with how each side of that conflict was presented. Then the moments between him and Jemma were great with the possibility of Jemma getting placed in a new home and Jemma being hesitant about that. Dr. Reynolds was interesting in this episode with him being backed up on surgeries to perform but he is hesitant to give some of the surgeries to his resident because he is afraid of something going wrong. But it was great by the end of the episode where he was forced to be more open and the way he went about doing that really showed the growth of him as a character. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and well-done episode.         

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