Monday, October 8, 2018

American Horror Story Apocalypse Episode 2 "The Morning After" Review

Michael Langdon prepares a meeting with the guests of Outpost 3. Meanwhile, Ms. Venable and Ms. Meade have a sinister plan in store.

This was a really great and interesting episode that did a nice job of setting up some possible events of what is to come. I really enjoyed how this episode did a good job of setting up Michael as a character and seeing how he interact with other people in Outpost 3. It was a really smart idea in my mind to have the episode focus on just the interview between Michael, Mr. Gallant, and Ms. Venable because you got to see how the interviews work and what Michael does to mess with them after he has better figured them out. Bringing back the rubber man was really great with how they chose to have him around as a sexual desire for Mr. Gallant. Then the moments with Emily and Timothy was interesting with them sneaking into Langdon's room to try and figure out where the Sanctuary is and all the other things that they figured out was interesting. I really did like the comparison that some people made with Langdon's apple computer and the apple of Eden with how the computer tempted Emily and Timothy to break the rules. Then I found it kind of funny how as soon as Emily and Timothy found out a lot of Ms. Venable's rules were made up they almost instantly started to break them. Then just overall this was a really great episode and had so many fun moments to it and with how this episode ended I'm very curious to see what will happen next.

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