Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Supergirl Season 4 Episode 1 "American Alien" Review

Supergirl is called into action when remnants of Cadmus attempt to assassinate pro-alien leaders, but their endgame turns out to be more sinister than she thinks.

This was a really great first episode that did a great job of cleaning up what happened last season as well as building up what will happen this season.

I really loved how so far this season there seems to be multiple main villains for the season because that was one thing that bugged me last season is how they so heavily focused on Reign right out of the gate by the end of the season they seemed to be running out of things to do involving Reign so it was becoming tiresome to watch her. But this season having multiple villains is a great idea because there is this group doing hate crimes on aliens to fill in for part of the season and make things seem more down to earth and local but then later they can bring in the evil Supergirl to fill in for other parts of the season and that is good to keep things fresh in my opinion.

I also loved the balance in this episode between the DEO and CatCo because last season they kind of forgot about CatCo so having a good balance is nice to navigate Kara’s life. The introduction of Nia was so great and I loved how they were willing to joke about how Nia is like season one Kara and current Kara is like Cat.

Then the relationship growth shown between Alex and Brainy was really great in this episode with them getting used to working together and also understand each other’s losses in missing people like Winn and the rest of the Legion.

Then J'onn in this episode was interesting with him working to leave his life as an agent but still feeling a need to investigate into wrongs he sees. Then I loved the scene where he and Supergirl are J'onn are talking and J'onn says how he can’t help her fight but he will always be there for her emotionally and in other aspects of her life.

Then just overall this was a really well done first episode and I can’t wait to see what will happen next after how this episode ended with the reveal of the President being an alien.        


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