Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Gifted Season 2 Episode 3 "coMplications" Review

The Inner Circle turns to an unexpected source for help when Polaris' baby suffers from a deadly illness.

This was a really great episode that had a lot of really entertaining moments to it but it also still kind of bugged me because this was again another setup episode that had no real pay off to it. Everything with Thunderbird and Blink was great with them looking for Eirc and getting stuck in this maze because the mutants don't want to be found. Then Blink deciding to help Eirc by spying for him was a great decision in my mind and it makes me really curious to see if eventually Eirc and the rest of his team will help the underground or if Blink will leave to join Eirc and his cause. Then Marco's getting kidnapped in order to help his child was great with how it was all done and what it might have reviled in Marco's saying that they are all under the Frost triplets control and if that is true then the Frost triplets are way more powerful then they originally showed off. The part that bugged me was Dawn's jaundice which was never talked about until this episode because that is a disease that should be known at birth and when she was born they said she was perfectly healthy so where did the jaundice come from. It did, however, lead to some great moments with Marco's being the only one to save his child and having to deal with the side of not wanting to be like his father but having to leave his baby behind or die. Then the moments with Reed and Lauren were great with Lauren finally seeing her fathers powers when he gets stressed out and then dealing with those consequences when they get in a car crash and have to hide from the police. Jace really bugged me in this episode with his hunt for the mutants that made no sense with how the last episode ended for him where he set his mutant-hunting side away to be there for his family and then in this episode he left his wife behind to hunt for the mutants, like where did that change happen. It was like the completely forgot last episode while they were writing this one and that makes no sense. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm curious to see where they will take things after what this episode set up.

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