Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Flash Season 5 Episode 2 "Blocked " Review

Barry and Team Flash track down a meta that is stealing high-tech weapons, only to cross paths with a new foe named Cicada, who is hunting the very same meta, with nefarious intent.

This was a really interesting and great episode that was really fun to watch. I did find it interesting how they decided to tell the rest of Team Flash Nora's secret right away at the beginning of this episode. And I found it interesting how the team just accepted that as okay that Nora is around because she wants to get to know her father because he has been missing her whole life. The character Blocked I found really kind of weird and a little unnecessary to the main part of what this episode was about. I did really enjoy her powers though where she was able to create this field of super-dense matter that a person couldn't escape from and the matter can keep shrinking in on a person until it crushes them into a small cube. I did really enjoy how they introduced the possible main villain for the season in a bit of a different way by having Iris looking into the death of Gridlock and then when Cicada finally did approach The Flash Iris knew how dangerous his is and was able to warn Barry ahead of time, I just found that a really interesting and almost unique way to bring in the villain. Everything with Barry and Nora was great with them getting to know each other more and Barry working to train Nora to be a more skilled hero. I especially loved the scene with Barry going to get parental advice from Joe and Joe makes the comparison of Nora to Barry and sharing that all Nora is trying to do is impress Barry. Then the side story in this episode was really great with Catlin and Ralph working to help Cisco get over Gypsy. And it was so much fun to see how they weaved through Ralph's 100 step plan to get over a woman. Then the moments where they looking into more information about Catlin's father was a little weak because the vision they saw just told her to talk to her mother which was a little weak in my mind. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and fun episode and I'm really excited to see what will happen next.   

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