Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Magnum PI Season 1 Episode 3 "The Woman Who Never Died" Review

Magnum is hired to find out the true identity of a man's comatose fiancée when he learns that she's had extensive facial surgery.

This was a really great and exciting episode that was really well done and had a very interesting story to it and it really only had a few messy spots to it. The whole investigation into this women was really interesting with the slow reveal of information around how this woman has lied about certain parts of her past life as well as her current life. The reveal of the jewelry robbery this woman was apart of and the fact that she has a daughter were an interesting reason behind her face reconstruction in order to hide from her scary ex-boyfriend. The part that bugged me was who the ex-boyfriend was because it really kind of felt like they rushed to connect a person as the bad guy because the first scene were you meet this guy he truly didn't seem to know this girl and he didn't seem like all that bad of a guy, and then by the end of this episode his personality completely changed and things between his personality through this episode just didn't make a lot of sense. Then Higgins getting involved in this case was interesting with the parts she played in helping Magnum get information and helped keep things calm during the hostage scene. TC was really fun in this episode with him being mad at Magnum for offering free helicopter rides to people who Magnum gets help from instead of Magnum paying these people. And the joke TC make of watching over Magnum and what he is doing was so great with how it was shown. Then Rick was really great with him being there as a bit of a emotional support for Magnum and the fact that this case kind of hits close to home for Magnum. The new police detective Gordon Katsumoto that was introduced in this episode was interesting and I do really like the relationship between him and Magnum more than the relationship between Magnum and Tanaka in the first episode. I'm also really excited to see how that new relationship will be tested in the next episode when Magnum is framed for a crime. Then just overall this was a really great episode and it was so much fun to watch. 

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