Tuesday, October 16, 2018

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 2 "Rituals" Review

Max avoids coming to terms with his diagnosis, instead focusing on the hospital and his wife's condition; Frome and Kapoor take a school district to New Amsterdam's in-hospital court over a young boy's extensive psychiatric medication.

This was a really cool episode that had a lot of great moments to it and it was just really great to see how everything played out. Dr. Sharpe was really interesting in this episode with her working with Max to get him to comprehend his illness more as well as her getting back in the motions more of working with patients and being a doctor again. I want to know though if Dr. Sharpe emotionally reacting to some of the patients was because of some past family experiences if it was just because she was out of practice working with patients. Then the moments with Dr. Frome and Dr. Kapoor were really great with them wanting to free this kid from all of the drugs he is under in order to help him work through his emotions but the school board won't allow it. The evidence that the school board brought in to show why he should be medicated was weird because they were using one moment of a major emotional rush as a reason to keep him in a medicated haze. Then the other part that bugged me was when Dr. Frome and Dr. Kapoor used a dialysis machine to free the kid of all of his drugs so he could talk for himself and Max yelled at them for that saying that if the didn't stop it immediately they would be punished but they didn't face any consequences. Then Dr. Reynolds dealing with this one patient and her family wanting to a ritual of protection of her before surgery but Dr. Reynolds not wanting to accept the ritual because it wasn't sanitary. It was especially fun with all the bad luck Dr. Reynolds faced around this patient before the ritual. Then the conversation with Dr. Bloom was really great with how she brought up to Dr. Reynolds all the rituals he does like scrub his hand a certain amount of time and say a little prayer before he goes into surgery are all the same as the ritual the family did. The part that bugged me about the moments with Dr. Reynolds was how long the other doctors were willing to let him work on this girl who was clearly unresponsive, now it could have been only a few moments but it felt like twenty with how they showed it. Then just overall this was a really great episode and I'm interested to see what will happen in the next episode.

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