Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Gifted Season 2 Episode 2 "unMoored" Review

Thunderbird hopes a mutant lawyer who recruited him to the Underground can help find the Inner Circle; Andy and Lauren have a shared dream; Reed must keep a secret from the group; Jace is back on the mutants' trail.

This was a really interesting episode that did have some weird moments to it and it left me a little disappointed with how everything was shown. It kind of annoys me how they're still keeping us in the dark about plans and people because we still don't know what the Inner Circle has planned we just see people training and preparing for something but we don't know what and that is kind of annoying. Everything with Andy and Lauren was interesting with there shared vision becoming more clear and it was kind of cool to see it from Any's perspective this time and how the vision affected him and his powers. Then the idea of Andy not being faithful to the Inner Circle was a little weird and overdramatic because all he did was an attempt to check in with his family and see how they are and everyone treated it like he revealed everything. But it was cool how the Inner Circle managed to convince Andy to use his fear and pain he is feeling from these vision as strength to better control his powers. Then the moments with Thunderbird and seeing a tinny bit more of his past was great but I wished they would have gone more into detail of his relationship with this lawyer lady because they seemed to set up a bunch between the two of them but there was little payoff of information on the two of them. I'm very curious to know more about the Ergic person that the lawyer recommended and I can't wait to see how he will help. Reed's powers getting out of control was a cool moment with his powers melting a bunch of stuff. Then the moments with Jace were interesting because he finally worked through some of his emotions and decided to be there for his family more. The ending of this episode was really great with Marco's using a Champaign bottle to shine a green light in the sky for Polaris and her seeing it and then discovering that their baby is having problems. Then just overall this was a really entertaining and interesting episode and I'm very curious to see what will happen next.

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