Thursday, October 11, 2018

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot" Review

A new medical director breaks the rules to heal the system at America's oldest public hospital.

This was a great first episode that did a good job of focusing on introducing a lot of the main characters. Max was a really interesting character that was entertaining to watch how he approached each of the different people he met. Then his personal life with his pregnant wife was an interesting little part to the episode that I'm curious to know more about the two of them and how Max is going to be able to win her back. Dr. Kapoor and his patient that is dying because she has been misdiagnosed and given the wrong drugs was interesting with how they used other patients in the hospital to help the patient life the last moments of her life the way she wanted to. The moments with Dr. Frome and Jemma were great with Dr. Frome doing everything he could to help this girl have a better life then she has had so far. Dr. Bloom and Dr. Reynolds were interesting in this episode with Dr. Bloom wanting a relationship but Dr. Reynolds turns her down and gives his reasons why and I'm very curious to see what their relationship will be like in the future because of his reasons. Dr. Sharpe was great with her relationship to Max and how he finally managed to convince her to become a doctor again and now just a TV personality, and I'm curious to see how their relationship will grow now that she is Max's cancer doctor. Then just overall this was a really great first episode and I hope the episodes to come will have more solid medical storylines and now just have a drama show focusing too much on the doctor's personal lives. 

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