Tuesday, November 20, 2018

New Amsterdam Season 1 Episode 6 "Anthropocene" Review

The pressure is on as Max takes on his first annual fundraising gala at the hospital and emotions are high as some of the doctor's families join them for the event. Iggy struggles to break difficult news to his daughter and Bloom and Reynolds continue to deal with the fallout of their argument. Meanwhile, Kapoor and Dr. Sharpe work together to find out what is making a father and son duo so sick.

This was a really interesting episode that didn't have a lot to it, it was mostly about just a lot of small moments playing out simultaneously. Everything with Max was nice with how his work was somewhat of divided in this episode. When it came to the fundraiser it was weird how they chose to make Max's secret weapon a mystery when it was easily Georgia, it was nice to see how Georgia did her work to help Max though where she showed him off to donors by stating how instead of being there talking to people Max is out there being a doctor. Then everything with Max and Reynolds was some of the better parts of this episode where they are dealing with cases at the prison where prisoners are being drugged to be more compliant. And how Reynolds found all this out and got evidence together to hold the right people responsible was really great rather than seeing him get into fights he didn't need to which was his first actions. Then Bloom setting up Reynolds with someone new was an interesting way for her to get over him and know that he won't be coming back for a while. Then Iggy dealing with his family was some nice small moments in this episode where he had to explain to his daughter that there normally is not the same normal for others and how that all works and that was just really interesting to see. Then the bigger side story with Kapoor and Sharpe was a very entertaining story with this father and son having this mysterious illness that no test can figure out. Then the truth of what this illness was and why it was hard to find was really interesting where it was an older version of a common illness that the machines couldn't pick up because the machines were so up to date with the newer stains they forgot the older ones. Then just overall this was a really nice episode with a bunch of small interesting stories.  

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